Mayor Spano announced Yonkers Arts Weekend festival will take place on Saturday, May 20. The one-day festival is filled with exciting new programs, workshops, exhibitions, and much more.
Mayor Spano announced Yonkers Arts Weekend festival will take place on Saturday, May 20. The one-day festival is filled with exciting new programs, workshops, exhibitions, and much more.
Yonkers firefighters spoke with seniors at the Yonkers YMCA about fire safety and distributed smoke alarms.
The annual Mayor's Clean-up is taking place Saturday, May 20 from 6 a.m. to 12 p.m. by appointment only. Please call (914) 377-4357 to schedule a bulk pick-up.
Yonkers Insider Publisher Delfim Heusler
YONKERS PIC: Inside St. Michael the Archangel Ukrainian Catholic Church.....
YONKERS WALLS: Art On The Streets Of The City Of Hills....
YONKERS HISTORY: City residents used trolley cars to get around town up until the early 1950's when buses took their place?
In summer, the trolley cars were often open-aired, operated on a full, convenient schedule and took you just about anywhere you wanted to go in the city from the subway in the Bronx to the city lines at Hastings-on-Hudson and Mount Vernon....
Mayor Spano joined the Yonkers Rotary Club to congratulate the winners of this year's youth speech contest. The students wrote about what their priorities would be if they were Mayor.
Mayor Spano addressed past and present members of My Brother's Keeper at Roosevelt High School - Early College Studies.
Mayor Spano presented the Key to the City to Lionsgate Studios and its television chair Kevin Beggs during a panel discussion.
By Reverend J. Loren Russell
John 13:30 NKJV
“Having received the piece of bread, he then went out immediately. And it was night.”
Judas Iscariot was one of Jesus’ Disciples who was a part of His inner circle. He had every opportunity to be one of the pillars of the church, but he fell woefully short of his potential. Everyone, including Judas, has a choice of who they are going to serve. Because the love Jesus has for us is unconditional, not even Judas Iscariot was beyond God’s grace.
When Judas did his dastardly act of betrayal it was after he had broken bread with Jesus, the one sent by God the Father because of His love for the world. Prayerfully no one reading this article has fallen as far short of their potential as Judas.
Judas chose to betray Jesus. In so doing, he chose death over life, darkness rather than light. The text says that it was dark when Judas received the bread. It was not only dark on the outside, but it was also dark in the heart of Judas. He sank well below his potential.
Unfortunately, many of us, dare I say, all of us come short of evincing the full potential in our lives. Just as surely as the Bible says, “For everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God’s glorious standard,” it goes on to say, “Yet God, in his grace, freely makes us right in his sight. He did this through Christ Jesus when he freed us from the penalty for our sins” (Romans 3:23-24 NLT). God’s great love for humanity assures us that no one has to fall below their potential.
Sadly, people living below their God-ordained potential happens every day. Spiritual darkness is a thief that can rob anyone of their full potential. The darkness that overcame Judas can overcome anyone.
Something else that gets my attention in this story is that Jesus knew Judas’ intent and his heart. He told him, what you do, do quickly (John 13:27). Just like Judas, Jesus knows our heart! He knows our thoughts! He knows our potential! Judas wanted 30 pieces of silver.
What do you want? What’s in your heart? What thoughts are you thinking? Will you choose life over death, darkness rather than light? The choice is yours. Choose wisely so that you do not fall below your potential.
Be Blessed!
Rev. J. Loren Russell is an associate minister at Goodwill Baptist Church and is the spiritual leader of both LaGree Baptist Church and the Evangelical Church of God, all in the Bronx, President/CEO of The JLR Company for Church Financial & Strategic Consulting (718-328-8096), and hosts “Matters of Faith – The Radio Show” on Monday nights from 8:00 – 10:00 PM on Facebook Live. Be sure to Friend “Matters of Faith” on YouTube and email us at Order your copy of Matters of Faith: The eBook at www.smash
YONKERS BUDGET FACTS: Mayor Mike Spano released a proposed budget that does not call for cuts to the City of Yonkers workforce or services while providing the most money for the Yonkers Public Schools in the history of city budgets. The proposed budget stays within the state-mandated tax cap. Mayor Spano’s Executive Budget budget includes a record $704.8 million appropriation for the #Yonkers Board Of Education and contains $96 million earmarked for capital improvements, which includes $30 million for Yonkers Public Schools capital projects. The Yonkers City Council now must review the budget and allow public hearings take place as they potentially negotiate with the mayor for any desired changes. The final budget is must be adopted in June to prevent the city of hills from going in default in July.....
Yonkers, NY – Mayor Mike Spano and Police Commissioner Christopher Sapienza today announced a series of initiatives for the month of May to improve the quality-of-life of community members and residents as the weather warms and people spend more time outside. Operation: Spring Ahead will focus police resources on those issues that generate the overwhelming amount of community complaints and were the top concerns of recent survey respondents, including:
Vehicle and Traffic Law Moving Violations
• Speeding
• Disobeying Stop Signs
• Aggressive and reckless driving
• Double-Parking
Vehicle and Traffic Law Equipment Violations
• Loud Mufflers
• Fraudulent Paper License Plates
• Safety violations
• ATVs, Dirt bikes, and illegal scooters
Property Crimes
• Shoplifting
• Catalytic Converter theft
• Larceny from Autos
• Package theft
Neighborhoods and Public Spaces
• Disorderly Groups
• Noise pollution
• Dog Waste
• Smoke shops
Community Policing
• Neighborhood Stabilization Team
• Sector Car Park and Walks
• Community Affairs Outreach Events
• Public Education Campaign
Yonkers Police Officers from various commands including the four Precincts, Traffic Unit, Pattern Crimes Unit, Neighborhood Stabilization Team, Crime Control Strategies Unit, and Community Affairs Division will work together and with outside agencies to conduct targeted enforcement details, directed patrols, and disruptive enforcement.
“Our priority is to ensure the safety of our residents, no matter the level of offense,” said Mayor Spano. “These issues define our everyday and it is our obligation to enforce laws and ordinances that are set up to provide the best quality of life possible. Thank you to our Yonkers PD for putting this initiative together, and as a friendly reminder, thank you to our residents for respecting your fellow neighbors.”
Commissioner Christopher Sapienza stated, “Although violent crime remains historically low, it is the day-to-day nuisances that affect the most people. While these initiatives are not new to policing, by refocusing our efforts our goal is to set the tone for the spring and summer months and ensure the high quality-of-life standards our constituents have come to expect.”
To report a quality-of-life issue or criminal matter to the Yonkers Police, call (914) 377-7900; emergencies dial 9-1-1. Quality-of-life issues unrelated to law enforcement may also be reported to the Mayor’s Help Line at (914) 377-HELP (4357).
City of Yonkers: Public Hearing Notice - Fernbrook Street 3.25.2025 at 6:30 p.m. Yonkers City Clerk's Office.