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Thursday, June 25, 2020

Yonkers Insider: Rob Astorino, Republican for New York State Senate, 40th District.

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Astorino Releases Bold Announcement Video to 
Launch Campaign for New York State Senate.

Hudson Valley-Jun. 25...Former two-term Westchester County Executive Rob Astorino (2010-2017), a proven champion for taxpayers and accountable bipartisan government, today formally launched his campaign for the New York State Senate in New York’s 40th District which includes areas of Dutchess, Putnam, and Westchester counties. 

Mr. Astorino, 53, who submitted eight straight budgets without a tax increase as county executive and created a bipartisan governing coalition to achieve concrete results in the county government he led, made his announcement in a video outlining some of the challenges he seeks to fix in Albany. Under Mr. Astorino’s leadership, Westchester gained 44,000 new private sector jobs, maintained the highest credit rating in New York State — higher than the State itself — and reduced its workforce costs while delivering superior public services. 

The video, entitled “Rebuild” can be viewed here. A full script is included below. 

“New York is being challenged as perhaps never before, and it’s imperative that taxpayers be vigorously defended in the coming legislative term,” the former county executive said. “There are many in Albany already calling for dramatic new tax hikes, and middle class families can’t afford to pay a penny more. Without firm, common-sense voices at the table to push back against tax hikes — not to mention ill-conceived criminal justice blunders like cashless bail that’s putting dangerous criminals back onto our streets — the steady flow of families abandoning New York could become a torrent. We must not let that happen.” 

Mr. Astorino, a husband and father of three, said he looks forward to running a spirited campaign based on issues and competing visions for New York State. 

“New York is in turmoil right now, and there’s a critical need for firm, measured voices in the state legislature,” he said. “Peaceful protesters should be respected. We should encourage thoughtful dialogue and all sides of a debate must be heard. Violence, rioting, vandalism and those seeking unrest and anarchy, however, should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. We also must ensure the safety of our senior citizens if a second wave of the coronavirus arrives. The avoidable tragedy that occurred in New York nursing homes this spring must be impartially investigated and never allowed to happen again.” 

After serving his second term as Westchester County Executive, Mr. Astorino went to work as Cardinal Dolan’s Delegate to the Mother Cabrini Health Foundation, a Catholic philanthropic organization serving the healthcare needs of the poor, and as a paid national commentator for CNN.  


So much is happening so fast, it’s tough to take it all in.

But New York’s troubles didn’t start with the coronavirus lockdown, they’ve been building up for far too long. Record deficits, highest taxes in America, one million New Yorkers fleeing the state in just the past 10 years...

Besides Albany’s rampant corruption we get one-sided debates that lead to dangerous new laws like cashless bail. 

Who is Albany protecting? Their bad decisions are affecting all of us. I’m running for state senate because I know things can change – they have to. As county executive I made promises and kept them.

We built a bipartisan coalition that held the line on spending and cut property taxes....

Helped create over 44,000 new jobs, opened up daycare slots for working parents and earned the highest credit rating of any county in the state.

We did it by bringing people together developing ground-breaking programs that eliminated veteran’s homelessness and the Fatherhood Initiative that helped at-risk dads get back into the lives of their children.

Why can’t Albany do the same?

My plan to Fix and Rebuild New York starts with holding Albany politicians accountable.

Term limits.

Transparency, and tough new ethics laws.

Next, we’ll jump start our economy by reducing taxes, reining in the excessive spending, and eliminating the regulations that do little but kill jobs and ingenuity.

We’ll improve our schools by putting parents and teachers back in charge and strengthen public safety by repealing the reckless cashless bail law and by improving our police – not defunding or abolishing them.

We’ll also bring other good ideas and policies to Albany so no one willing to put in the effort will get left behind. 

To change New York we have to change the politicians... we need responsible leaders who can bring people together and get things done. I’ve done it before, and I will do it again.

Now, I’m running for state senate knowing the road ahead won’t be easy for New York state, but as someone who cares about the Hudson Valley as much as you do, I know it’s a fight worth having.

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