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Yonkers City Clerk's Office - Yonkers City Clerk Vincent Spano.

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Business AD: Henry Djonbalaj Real Estate LLC: Henry Djonbalaj: Licensed Real Estate Broker.
Henry Djonbalaj Real Estate LLC.

Saturday, June 12, 2021

Yonkers Insider: Piece on the Accomplishments of Virginia Perez when She was Westchester County Legislator of the 17th District: Elections 2021.

This Piece is to look at the The Record of Virginia Perez in her 8 Years as a Westchester County Legislator in the 17th District. It was full of Accomplishments, She was invested in the Yonkers Community and She was at the Westchester County Board of Legislators and She didn't care about Ruffling Feathers as long as it got the Job Done for Her Constituents, which She called Her Extended Family. 

We all miss those days, when the County Legislator from the 17th District cared about the Constituents. Virginia was a Rare Breed when She was an Elected Official as a Westchester County Legislator in the 17th District. 

Currently the 17th District is Saddled with a County Legislator, who is only working hard, because it's Election Time, He's trying to Pull a Fast One on the Voters, Don't Be fooled by the Current Legislator and his Current Actions in his Re-Election Effort. If He somehow Wins Re-Election, He will only go back in his Cocoon and be the Same Failed Elected Official, that He always has been. Actions Matter, look at his Actions before this Election Cycle got started. 

Don't be fooled by this Self-Serving Campaign by the Current County Legislator. District 17 Democrats and Vote this Guy out and Let's Return Virginia back to this Seat and Working Hard for You Guys, Like She always did, She didn't Show up when it was Election Time, She showed up for Her Constituents for the Full 2 Years. Actions Speak Louder than Words.

Let's look at Virginia's Record as Westchester County Legislator of the 17th District for 8 Years: Virginia Supported additional funding for Child Care, Domestic Violence Prevention, Legal Services for the Poor and Senior Citizens, Attorneys for Immigrants, and Small Business Initiatives. She increased funding for Bee Line Bus Service and restored the much needed Sunday Service to the Yonkers based #8 Bus under Her Watch. Perez Co-Sponsored legislation in preventing the sale of animals bred in puppy mills. Virginia also co-sponsored legislation for the creation of an Animal Abuse Registry. She helped in cooperation with others to pass fiscally sound County Budgets that saved essential services for the taxpayers. Perez was a Dedicated, Independent Advocate for the Best Interests of Her Constituents. 

There are countless other Accomplishments that I could have put in this Piece, If I did would be Writing for a Long Time. She was Simply the Best Elected Official, We Need her back to Represent Southwest Yonkers on the Westchester County Legislator in the 17th District. Public Service is very important to Virginia, She has A Passion for Helping People and making sure that her Constituents are taking care of. Serving Our Community is Very Important to Virginia Perez. Unlike the Current County Legislator who is a Creature of the Political Establishment and Works for them only and Not The People. Now there's the Difference between the Current County Legislator and Virginia Perez. Virginia Works for the People and Not the Political Establishment.

So Starting in Early Voting on June 12th till June 20th, Let's Start the Momentum Early and Rock the Vote for Virginia Perez and Continue it on Primary Day, June 22nd for Virginia Perez, Democrat for Westchester County Legislator in the 17th District.






This Piece is the Sole View and Opinion of Yonkers Insider.

Yonkers Insider Publisher Delfim Heusler

Virginia Perez, Democrat for Westchester County Legislator 17th District - Campaign Website:

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