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Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Yonkers Insider: Letter to Editor by Frank Spotorno.

Jobs and Jobs. 

Over 50 years ago, President Johnson launched the War on Poverty. And guess what? The poor lost.

In over five decades, over 20 trillion dollars has been invested in Medicaid, food stamps, Head Start, cash welfare, subsidize housing, targeted tax credits, and anything else I am forgetting. With all that the poverty rate only declined from 19% to 15% 

Fast forward today, out of wedlock births to white women is nearly 30%. Out of wedlock births to black women have hit an astonishing figure of 70%. Nationally, the poverty rate today is at 28%, almost double the national average. 

No army of bureaucrats spending trillions in tax dollars can ever substitute the only real path to a middle class life: It is thru hard work, ingenuity, innovation, and a vision.....everyone pitching in; building our nation thru the sweat of our own merits. As with the sweat of our ancestors came a nation that future generations were supposed to thrive on. 

What is the sense of getting an education, racking up student loans, or government subsidize grants, when in fact our jobs have landed overseas. Creating jobs should be our politicians 1st concern. The bogus free trade agreements has led our children to road blocks. 

What good are the bogus trade agreements, when millions of Americans are left on the unemployment and poverty lines.

We need to mobilize our economy again. We do not need a tune-up. We need to overhaul our economy. We need to bring American Manufacturing and American Industry back to our nation. 

What good is cheap, when millions of Americans can't afford cheap. I truly believe the loopholes that allows thousands of American Corporations to leave our homeland because of the enacted free trade agreements need to be revamped. 

It’s been 244 years since declaring our independence from Britain. Citizens of the United States have authored an unprecedented journey – a story of democracy and fundamental rights that would be tested on battlefields across the globe, and perpetually strengthened by the unwavering will and spirit of the people that call themselves Americans.

Many city's across our nation has played an important part in America’s history, reaffirming its own independence in 1776 from the crown of England through a referendum vote. Like so many cities across America, our humble beginnings as a farming community quickly turned into a manufacturing powerhouse in the nineteenth century. From Otis Elevator to Alexander Smith & Sons Carpet Company to Edwin Armstrong’s first successful FM radio transmission, first assembly line by Henry Ford, first successful flight by the wright brothers,  first successful transatlantic flight across the Atlantic, by Charles Lindbergh,  the civil rights movement in the 1960' and the "landing on the moon" by Apollo 11 astronauts Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins on July 20, 1969, followed by the words of Neil Armstrong; "The Eagle has landed".

Many city's and towns rode a wave of prosperity and global demand for our products, education, America technology, American  innovation and most important, our civil liberties. The term “American made” had meaning, and carried with it a genuine pride that was uniquely ours. Most important, our success was largely determined by how hard we worked and our commitment to each other, no matter what race, color or creed – certainly   not by restrictive trade agreements, fractured alliances and divisive political agendas.

Today, our Nation faces many challenges. The good news, the solutions to our challenges are available; we don’t need to be in bankruptcy, and we don’t need to simply hope that change will happen. We have the people, resources and the know-how to fix our problems. Despite these advantages, though, nothing happens without the great people of United States getting involved. I am personally investing my time and effort by uniting all Americans, regardless of creed, gender, race, color, place of origin, status and party affiliation to stand shoulder to shoulder with our President, Donald J Trump to continue our "Road to Victory".

I made the decision, with the strong support of family, friends and community members, that my business and political experience with the Alliance of Americans for America would benefit our Nation and most important our children. 

I believe that jobs and education are the key to success, and always have been. Jobs built America’s strength, and empower cities like ours that make up the majority of our national infrastructure. Jobs fuel our tax base, funds investments we desperately need in education and infrastructure, and gives us the economic muscle we need to build a sustained recovery right here, in Yonkers, and throughout our Country.

I believe, for the good of our country, If you are an American Corporation, with a corporate seal of the United States, and you are in the manufacturing business, than that plant should be housed within the 50 states of our country, "employing Americans".

Frank Spotorno - Email Address.

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City of Yonkers  Yonkers City Clerk Vincent Spano.