New Yonkers City Clerk's Office Ad.

New Yonkers City Clerk's Office Ad.
Yonkers City Clerk's Office - Yonkers City Clerk Vincent Spano.

Business AD: Henry Djonbalaj Real Estate LLC: Henry Djonbalaj: Licensed Real Estate Broker.

Business AD: Henry Djonbalaj Real Estate LLC: Henry Djonbalaj: Licensed Real Estate Broker.
Henry Djonbalaj Real Estate LLC.

Monday, August 31, 2020

Yonkers Insider: From Yonkers Public Schools.

News From Yonkers Public Schools

September 11, 2020

Welcome to Your Child's Online Classroom!

Teaching and learning in the Yonkers Public Schools continues uninterrupted thanks to the commitment of the entire school community: parents, teachers and staff, and of course, our students. We know there are details to work out, and issues to address as 26,000 students and 1,800 teachers engage collaboratively in online instruction.

While your children are in classes online, please note these important reminders during live instruction when the camera and audio are on.
  • Your child and all members of your household must use appropriate language
  • Your child and all members of your household must be dressed appropriately
  • Your child, parents/guardians and care givers are prohibited from recording the live classes in any media application

Communication is Key to Success

Be sure to access your child's school website, where you will find teacher webpages with the information you need to connect to both class and teacher. 
  • From the District homepage at, select Our Schools for a dropdown listing of each school, then tap or click on your child's school.
  • From your child's school website, select Teachers from the main navigation channel. An alphabetical listing will display. Tap or click on the name of your child's teacher.

Login Hints for Students

District Issued Laptop First Time Log In
Username: ypsloaner
Password: Spring2020 (case sensitive)

Microsoft TEAMS for Students
From a District issued laptop: Tap on the TEAMS desktop icon
From personal device: Check for Email with a link from your teacher, or visit your teacher's webpage for the link

Seesaw for Prekindergarten & Kindergarten Students
Invitation and information provided by teacher
Power School Portal for Students
Username: Student’s 6 digit ID number
Password: Student’s 8 digit birth date, i.e., 09242011

Instructional Platforms

Microsoft Teams is the primary remote instruction platform for Grades 1 - 12.  It integrates with PowerSchool, the District's student information system. It also integrates with the full suite of Microsoft tools and applications such as One Drive, PowerPoint, Word, Minecraft Education and more, including Nearpod.
Seesaw is the primary remote instruction platform for our youngest students in Prekindergarten and Kindergarten.


Clever is a gateway to the District's catalog of Instructional Technology and library applications for students, teachers, and staff. It is only accessible with a @ login. Your login determines what you can see, access, and do in Clever.

How to log in to Clever:
Go to from any internet-enabled device
  • Select "Log in with LDAP"
  • Enter your District e-mail address:
  • Select any of the icons to access instructional technology resources
  • For library resources that require different log-in credentials, hover over the application to display the username and password
    • Use the displayed username and password to access the resource

PowerSchool (Parent Portal)

PowerSchool is the District’s student information system. The Parent Portal provides a point of entry for parents to see their children’s schedules, attendance, grades and more in one place on the web or in an app.  A parent account is required.

Students can access their schedules by logging into the portal with their username and password.
Username: Student’s 6 digit ID number
Password: Student’s 8 digit birth date, i.e., 09082004


Who to Contact

Contact your child's teacher or school administrator for help with:
Connecting to class

Contact the Help Desk for assistance with:
District issued devices such as laptops, wifi and connectivity, password and student logins

Contact the Instructional Technology Team for help with:
Visit the Distance Learning Website

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