Friday, July 24, 2020
Article: Yonkers Insider Newspaper: Publisher Delfim Heusler Interview with Barry McGoey, Head of Yonkers Firefighters Union - Local 628 on Telephone Interview.
I thank Barry McGoey, Head of Yonkers Firefighters Union - Local 628 and coming on and doing this Telephone Interview with me, it was an over 5 Minute interview, where we touched on important issues like: How is it going in COVID these days in terms of Stats, What future of Yonkers Fire Department will be in Yonkers and also any other issues going forward in terms of Budgeting in Our City with a possible cut coming from New York State if there is no Federal Help through a Stimulus for New York State. All important issues were addressed in this interview. I thank Leader McGoey for his time and courtesy in doing this interview with Yonkers Insider.
COVID are decreasing in numbers, McGoey said in the interview, it is important to keep those numbers due to Wearing Masks and also Physical Distancing as well, to keep our numbers low is what Leader McGoey talked about in the interview with Yonkers Insider. McGoey stated we need to make sure that numbers don't go back up so that numbers don't go high again and that we need to take the precautions needed to make sure that doesn't take place.
McGoey discussed all the many services that YFD does for our Citizens of Yonkers and will continue to do for the good of Our City of Hills in terms of Public Safety and many other services provided by YFD. Also next year in 2021, YFD will be celebrating a Major Event of how many years YFD has been operating for Our City of Hills.
A step back would be if New York State cuts AIM Funding for Our City of Hills, that would hurt our City bad if that ends up being a cut in AIM Funding and if there is no Federal Help through a Stimulus for New York State. That would be a Real Disaster for our City of Hills, let's hope and pray that it doesn't happen, So far New York State has held back $19 Million Dollars in AIM Funding, let's hope there is help from Federal Government to help avoid any cut to Our City in what would be a Major Problem for Our City of Yonkers.
Yonkers Insider Newspaper - Publisher Delfim Heusler has always been a proud supporter of Yonkers Fire Department and of the Local 628 Yonkers Firefighters Union. My Cousin, Christopher Joao has been a Yonkers Firefighter.
Next Telephone Interview will be with New York State Senator Shelley Mayer of the 37th District on Monday.
This Article is the sole view and opinion of Yonkers Insider.
Yonkers Insider Newspaper - Publisher Delfim Heusler
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