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Monday, June 8, 2020

Yonkers Insider: NEWS: Engel Reiterates Stance on Times Column Calling for Use of Military Against Americans.

NEWS: Engel Reiterates Stance on Times Column Calling for Use of Military Against Americans.

Statement from Congressman Engel on New York Times editorial page changes:

“I’ve noted the resignation of the opinion page editor of The New York Times yesterday after what the publisher called 'a significant breakdown in our editing processes.' Change comes slowly, but there is no excuse for New York’s newspaper of record to give voice to right-wing forces calling for setting the U.S. military on peaceful protesters in the streets of America. I will never back down on this issue.

“Credit for this change in personnel rests primarily with the brave journalists of color at the Times who took such a courageous stand and risked their jobs. I stand with them. The paper’s publishers can apologize for a single instance, but the editorial board must take stock of just what public interest the newspaper is serving with such horrendous and incendiary words. And the column itself - which is still on the newspaper’s website - must come down. Until then, and until the publishers announce a reform of that editorial page, I will not be a part of any endorsement process. Any progressive Democrat running for public office should take the same stand.”

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