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Yonkers City Clerk's Office - Yonkers City Clerk Vincent Spano.

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Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Yonkers Insider: Yonkers City Council Meeting - November 12, 2024: Yonkers City Councilwoman Corazon Pineda Isaac 2nd District.


On Tuesday, November 12, 2024, the Yonkers City Council held a Stated City Council meeting. All items on the agenda appear below, as well as the decisions taken by the City Council in regard to these items.

Yonkers Stated City Council Meeting Agenda



1.Bond Ordinance of the City of Yonkers, New York authorizing the preparation of design plans and specifications for capital projects to be undertaken pursuant to the Yonkers City School District Joint Schools Construction and Modernization Act; stating the estimated maximum cost thereof is $3,000,000; Appropriating said amount therefore and authorizing the issuance of bonds of said city in the principal amount of not to exceed $3,000,000 to finance said appropriation. (Adopted 5-0)

2.A Special Ordinance authorizing acceptance of the United States Department of Justice (USDOJ) Byrne Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) 2023 Grant Program in the amount of $47,102 and amending the City of Yonkers grant budget for Fiscal Year 2024/2025.  (Adopted 5-0)

3.A Special Ordinance for accepting Title III-C/NSIP nutrition services grant funding in the amount of $245,623 and amending the City of Yonkers grant budget for Fiscal Year 2024.  (Adopted 5-0)

4.A Special Ordinance authorizing acceptance of New York State Department of Criminal Justice Services Public Safety Program De-Escalation grant in the amount of $70,000 and amending the City of Yonkers grant budget for Fiscal Year 2024/2025.  (Adopted 5-0)

5. Special Ordinance authorizing and directing the acquisition of the following leasehold interest required in connection with the development of the waterfront park at Fernbrook Street  (Adopted 5-0; Public Hearing set for November 26, 2024 at 7pm)

6.Resolution accepting grant from the United States Justice Department in amount of $47,102 to participate in the 2023 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant FY 2023 local solicitation and approving an Inter-Municipal Agreement with Westchester County  (Adopted 5-0)

7. Resolution approving an Inter-Municipal Agreement (IMA) by and between the City of Yonkers and the County of Westchester related to the Title III-C/NSIP meals & nutrition-related services contract, program year 2024  (Adopted 5-0)

8. Resolution authorizing City of Yonkers to seek review of Fiscal Year 2025 New York City water rates by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation  (Adopted 5-0)

9.A resolution of the City Council of the City of Yonkers accepting the recommendation of the City's Planning Board to name a proposed subdivision street at block: 4391, lot: 435, on the property known as 612 East Grassy Sprain Road ("Toll Brothers Subdivision"), "Victor Drive," in honor of Victor Ogley, a Yonkers citizen and decorated World War I Veteran.  (Adopted 5-0; Public hearing set for November 19, 2024 at 6:25pm)

10.A Resolution denying a Special Use Permit for a proposed 24 hour convenience store and gas station at Block 3182 Lot 2 on the property known as 1250 aka 1176 Nepperhan Avenue pursuant to Article VII and of the zoning ordinance  (Adopted 5-0)


You can tune in to City Council meetings via the City Council Facebook page, City Hall TV (accessible via the City of Yonkers website), Optimum channel 78, or Verizon Fios channel 39. 

Best regards,
Hon. Corazon Pineda-Isaac
Tel: (914) 377-6312

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