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Yonkers City Clerk's Office - Yonkers City Clerk Vincent Spano.

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Business AD: Henry Djonbalaj Real Estate LLC: Henry Djonbalaj: Licensed Real Estate Broker.
Henry Djonbalaj Real Estate LLC.

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Yonkers Insider: Yonkers City Council Meetings - October 22, 2024 by Yonkers City Councilwoman Corazon Pineda Issac 2nd District.


On Tuesday, October 22, 2024, the Yonkers City Council held a Real Estate Committee meeting as well as a Stated City Council meeting. All items on both agendas appear below, as well as the decisions taken by the City Council in regard to these items.

Real Estate Committee Meeting Agenda

1.General Ordinance amending Section 43-8 "Definition of Terms" of Article II of Chapter 43 Part V of the Charter of the City of Yonkers. (Moved to Rules Committee meeting agenda for Monday, November 4, 2024)

2.General Ordinance amending Chapter 43 of the Code of the City of Yonkers entitled "Zoning" in regard to rooming houses in certain districts. (Moved to Rules Committee meeting agenda for Monday, November 4, 2024)

3 Resolution of the Yonkers City Council authorizing and directing the referral of a proposed amendment to Chapter 43 of the Code of the City of Yonkers, entitled "Zoning" in regard to rooming houses in certain districts, to City and County Planning Boards (Moved to Stated City Council meeting agenda for October 22, 2024)

4.  A General Ordinance amending Chapter 43-45 Planned Multi-Use (PMD) District of the Code of the City of Yonkers, commonly known as the Zoning Ordinance (Moved to Rules Committee meeting agenda for Monday, November 4, 2024, but then pulled and added to Stated City Council meeting agenda for October 22, 2024 instead)

5. A Resolution to issue a Determination of Significance pursuant to 6 NYCRR Part 617 the statewide implementing regulations pertaining to the State Environmental Quality Review Act ("SEQRA") relating to the proposed amendment to Chapter 43-45 Planned Multi-Use (PMD) District of the Code of the City of Yonkers, commonly known as the zoning ordinance. (Moved to Rules Committee meeting agenda for Monday, November 4, 2024, but then pulled and added to Stated City Council meeting agenda for October 22, 2024 instead)

Stated City Council Meeting Agenda


1. Local Law - Authorizing the sale of city-owned property at 337 South Broadway to the City of Yonkers Industrial Development Agency for the development of mixed income housing and public parking improvements. (Adopted 7-0)

2. A Special Ordinance amending the City of Yonkers capital budget for fiscal year 2024/2025 by increasing the capital budget by $3,000,000 (Adopted 7-0)

3. Special Ordinance - Discontinuing certain portions of public streets located within the City of Yonkers known as Yerks Place and Pier Street. (Adopted 7-0)

4. Special Ordinance - Authorizing the Expanded In-home Services for the Elderly Program (EISEP) grant funding to expand certain existing case management services amending the City of Yonkers grant budget for fiscal year 2024. (Adopted 7-0)

5. Special Ordinance – Amending the budget for the City of Yonkers for the 2024/2025 Fiscal Year in relation to transferring funds from Debt Service Education Fund GASB 87 leases for the purpose of BOE basic operating expenditures. (Adopted 7-0)

6. Resolution - State Environmental Quality Review Act for the capital budget amendment adding design of Grant Park School (Adopted 7-0)

7. Settlement - Maria Gomez and Gino Guglielmi vs. City of Yonkers - $105,000.00 (Adopted 7-0)


8. Resolution of the City Council seeking Lead Agency for actions related to development of a new waterfront park on Fernbrook Street. (Adopted 7-0)


9. Resolution - Finding that the transfer of certain city-owned property at 337 South Broadway to the City of Yonkers Industrial Development Agency for the development of mixed-income housing and public parking improvements will not have a significant adverse impact on the environment. (Adopted 7-0)


10. Resolution - Approving an Inter-Municipal Agreement (IMA) by and between the City of Yonkers and the County of Westchester related to the Expanded In-home Services for the Elderly Program (EISEP) Case Management Service Grant, program year 2024-25. (Adopted 7-0)


11. Resolution approving an amendment to the Inter-Municipal Developer Agreement (“IMDA”) for infrastructure funds from Westchester County in support of the proposed affordable housing development located at 178 Warburton Avenue and 160 Cottage Gardens in the City of Yonkers (Adopted 6-0, with 1 abstention)

12. Resolution of the Yonkers City Council to honor the family and community's request to honorarily rename Halley Street between Mile Square Road and Crescent Place "Patrick Quinn Way" (Adopted 7-0)


13. Resolution by the City Council of Yonkers proclaiming and recognizing the month of November as "Diabetes Awareness Month" throughout the City of Yonkers. (Adopted 7-0)


14. Resolution by the City Council of Yonkers proclaiming and recognizing the month of November as "Epilepsy Awareness Month" throughout the City of Yonkers. (Adopted 7-0)


15. Resolution by the City Council of Yonkers proclaiming and recognizing the month of November as "Lung Cancer Awareness Month” throughout the City of Yonkers.  (Adopted 7-0)


15a Resolution of the Yonkers City Council authorizing and directing the referral of a proposed amendment to Chapter 43 of the Code of the City of Yonkers, entitled "Zoning" in regard to rooming houses in certain districts, to City and County Planning Boards (Adopted 7-0)

15b. A Resolution to issue a Determination of Significance pursuant to 6 NYCRR Part 617 the statewide implementing regulations pertaining to the State Environmental Quality Review Act ("SEQRA") relating to the proposed amendment to Chapter 43-45 Planned Multi-Use (PMD) District of the Code of the City of Yonkers, commonly known as the zoning ordinance. (Adopted 7-0)

15c.  A General Ordinance amending Chapter 43-45 Planned Multi-Use (PMD) District of the Code of the City of Yonkers, commonly known as the Zoning Ordinance (Adopted 7-0)

15d.Amendment to the city’s zoning map by rezoning a portion of the premises known as 218 South Broadway from its current “SB-Central subdistrict” zone classification to a “C” commercial district zone classification to match the “C” commercial zone classification of 12 Bright Place  (Adopted 7-0)

You can tune in to City Council meetings via the City Council Facebook page, City Hall TV (accessible via the City of Yonkers website), Optimum channel 78, or Verizon Fios channel 39. 

Best regards,
Hon. Corazon Pineda-Isaac
Tel: (914) 377-6312

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