New Yonkers City Clerk's Office Ad.

New Yonkers City Clerk's Office Ad.
Yonkers City Clerk's Office - Yonkers City Clerk Vincent Spano.

Business AD: Henry Djonbalaj Real Estate LLC: Henry Djonbalaj: Licensed Real Estate Broker.

Business AD: Henry Djonbalaj Real Estate LLC: Henry Djonbalaj: Licensed Real Estate Broker.
Henry Djonbalaj Real Estate LLC.

Friday, May 17, 2024

From the News Desk of Journalist Brian Harrod.

FORBIDDEN KNOWLEDGE: Don’t remove a fence until you know why it was put up in the first place.

Our modern society, with its deadly mix of arrogance and certainty, has dispensed with a vast number of controls that had kept us in harmony with the world for hundreds of thousands of years. Many other cultures enshrined the concept of “initiated” knowledge and power. Mass access to technology and information has knocked down many of those fences. This has had phenomenal benefits, but also substantial costs. This makes Silicon Valley’s mantra of “move fast and break things” unintentionally hilarious. Why should access to some kinds of knowledge be controlled? In the age of search engines it seems outdated and patriarchal. The focus of my life is on the benefits of openness and following your curiosity. But there is an important caveat. There may be such a thing as too much, too fast....

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