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Business AD: Henry Djonbalaj Real Estate LLC: Henry Djonbalaj: Licensed Real Estate Broker.
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Monday, June 26, 2023

Yonkers Insider: Hector Santiago: For immediate release!



My court case was briefly mentioned on the Brian Lehrer show this past week. It’s important for me to give a factual update on my assault at Yonkers City Hall during the City Council meeting where they decided to extend term limits for themselves and the mayor.


On November 22nd, during this meeting, I was violently forced out of the council chambers and into the hallway where I was then punched in the face by a Yonkers Police officer whom later was revealed to be on the Mayor’s security detail. The council chambers was in complete chaos before and after the incident. After witnessing my council representative berate constituents in attendance I attempted to bring calm to the chamber and end the malicious back and forth by shouting “Vote already “. In a blink of an eye several unidentifiable individuals began grabbing and shoving me in all directions. One officer whom I recognized as he attempted to calm his colleagues down in the chamber, tried escorting me out to where we assumed was going to be a safe space. Once in the hallway the police aggression began again. Everything happened so fast. I was punched in the face, slammed against a wall and then body slammed to the ground. I had no idea what was actually happening. All of this excessive force and misuse of power while I had one arm in a sling from a recent rotator cuff surgery I had undergone just a few days prior.


The officer in question had to be ripped off of me as he was attempting to grab my neck after punching me in the face. All of which can be clearly seen on video footage from that night. As this wasn’t enough of an ordeal, I was then handcuffed while in a sling, arrested & held for 22 hours on Thanksgiving Eve at the Yonkers City Jail.


Since then I have had 21 court dates with the likelihood of a possible four more. Due to my years of activism and collaboration with local government every Yonkers judge recused themselves off the case. In addition, the County District Attorney recused her office because I worked on her campaign as the Yonkers Field Organizer. Currently, we are on trial in White Plains court with an Orange County district attorney and charges against me have changed multiple times. I’m now facing a disorderly conduct and harassment charge , neither which were on the original list of overblown charges. There are hundreds of thousands in taxpayers money being spent on all of this in mere attempts to charge me with at least a simple violation.


Not one political figure, whether present that night or not, has made a statement condemning the violence and ordeal I have suffered. Nor has the officer who assaulted me been held accountable or investigated. Everyone in an authoritative position is trying to pretend it never even happened, including Mayor Mike Spano.


While many continue to benefit from a system designed to silently crush people like me underneath it, i will move forward seeking justice and accountability . These types of political intimidation tactics may momentarily slow me down, but nothing will stop me from serving my community.


Ultimately, I want to thank my community and family immensely for their continued support through this difficult time. As well as those who have stood up for my name when the administration attempts to defame me in certain rooms. When all is said and done, we will be on top ! 


We will not be silent.

They will be held accountable.

Hector Santiago 
Founder of StopAndShake
Commissioner Of Human Right’s for the City of Yonkers

“ It takes a village to raise a child however it takes lots of loving relationships to create the village.. let’s get connected “ - Hector The Connector

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