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Saturday, May 6, 2023

Matters of Faith: Rejoice With Me - Article.

Rejoice With Me!

By Reverend J. Loren Russell


Psalm 119:162 NKJV

“I rejoice at Your word, as one who finds great treasure.”

The 119th Psalm is the longest section in any book in the Bible. The Blue Letter Bible says that it’s general scope and design is to “magnify the law and make it honorable; to set forth the excellency and usefulness of divine revelation, and to recommend it to us.” I would like to take a moment to recommend it to you and invite you to celebrate with me.

In the 162nd verse, King David who wrote this psalm, says that he rejoices at “Your” word. Whenever ‘You,’ ‘Your,’ ‘He,’ ‘Him,’ or ‘His,’ is capitalized, the inference is that the writer is referencing God. It is in the Word of God that David rejoices. It is in The Lord that he finds great treasure.

The Blue Letter Bible says that David took pleasure in “reading it, hearing it, meditating on it, and [that] everything he met with it was agreeable to him.” I am joining with the psalmist and rejoicing for the same reasons; in His word I have found great treasure.

May 8 is the day that I came into the world. It took some time before I became aware of the majesty of the Word of God. The gracious and benevolent God who created all things unearthed untold treasures for me the moment He came into my life.

If I had to enumerate or count the value, of those treasures, I would come up short every time. But I can say that He has enriched my life and I rejoice because the Lord has gifted me with everything that I have, my life, my health, my family, my wife, my friends, my work, my service. He has forgiven me of everything I have ever done that violated His holiness and has granted me another orbit around the sun.

As I recommend to you this great and magnanimous God, whose Son made it possible for any and every one to rejoice in His Word and find great treasure, I invite you to rejoice with me on my day of birth because there is great treasure awaiting you.

Be Blessed!

Rev. J. Loren Russell is an associate minister at Goodwill Baptist Church and is the spiritual leader of both LaGree Baptist Church and the Evangelical Church of God, all in the Bronx, President/CEO of The JLR Company for Church Financial & Strategic Consulting (718-328-8096), and hosts “Matters of Faith – The Radio Show” on Monday nights from 8:00 – 10:00 PM on Facebook Live. Be sure to Friend “Matters of Faith” on YouTube and email us at Order your copy of Matters of Faith: The eBook at www.smash



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