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Saturday, February 18, 2023

Matters of Faith: Article - "The Creeps are in the Church".


Jude 1:3-4, 16-22

3Beloved, while I was very diligent to write to you concerning our common salvation, I found it necessary to write to you exhorting you to contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints. For certain men have crept in unnoticed, who long ago were marked out for this condemnation, ungodly men, who turn the grace of our God into lewdness and deny the only Lord God and our Lord Jesus Christ.

16 These are grumblers, complainers, walking according to their own lusts; and they mouth great swelling words, flattering people to gain advantage. 17 But you, beloved, remember the words which were spoken before by the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ: 18 how they told you that there would be mockers in the last time who would walk according to their own ungodly lusts. 19 These are sensual persons, who cause divisions, not having the Spirit. 20 But you, beloved, building yourselves up on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit, 21 keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life. 22 And on some have compassion, making a distinction; 23 but others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire, hating even the garment defiled by the flesh.




  • There are times when you must be blunt.
  • It may not be what people want to hear, but sometimes it must be said.
    • I am not talking about those who are blunt and blurt out derogatory or vindictive words because they are mad,
    • or blunt and cursing someone out because they got on their last nerve.
    • I am not talking about being blunt and using spiteful or unkind words or behavior that lead to vulgar or dehumanizing rhetoric.
  • I am talking about being blunt and telling people that they have creeps in their midst who are in opposition to Gods will.


Jude was the brother of James and the brother of Jesus. He told his readers that he wanted to write to them about the salvation they all shared, but he was compelled to write to them about some ungodly people who had crept or wormed their way into the church. Jude writes a pastoral epistle to head off blasphemous teaching that was taking place in the church. He didn't want to write this message, but he was compelled by the Holy Spirit! Although they were in the church, the Bible says these creeps denied God and the Lord Jesus Christ, teaching that God’s Grace permitted them to live immorally.

It is a general epistle (letter) to the people, to those who were called, beloved of God, kept by Jesus Christ, sanctified..., called the saints! There was an emergency present that needed to be addressed. So, Jude writes this urgent appeal for the saints to defend the faith.

The presence of certain ungodly men had invaded the church and were distorting the grace of God. Jude was blunt and told the church that these creeps (those who crept into the church) were like

    • unthinking animals, doing whatever they were instinctively inclined to do.
    • He said they defied authority,
    • Scoffed at angels, and
    • were as bad as the followers of Cain who killed his brother Abel;
    • Like Balaam who deceived people for money; and
    • Korah, who fought against Moses and died in the wilderness.


He compares them to

  • dangerous reefs where ships crash, and
  • shameless shepherds who cared nothing about the sheep, only themselves.
  • He says they are like dark clouds that bring no rain,
  • dead trees that bear no fruit,
  • like waves of the ocean that are churning foam, and
  • wondering stars that are hopelessly and forever shrouded in darkness.

Something interesting about Jude, and his other siblings is that none of them received their brother, Jesus the Christ as their Lord and Savior until after His death, burial and resurrection.


But now that he knew Jesus as the Christ, he knew how to tell his readers how to identify the creeps in the church. Jude says these creeps are

  • Those who are grumblers and complainers,
  • Those who desire only those things that are in their best interest.
  • They are identified as those who boast about themselves and flatter others to get what they want.

Jude says that these are the same people they were warned about by the apostles,

  • they are the people in the church who stir up strife, and who
  • do not have the spirit of God in them.

Thy wormed their way into the church! They were outward members, but inward they were objectors, ravenous wolves in sheep's clothing. They were creeps!


These people who were in church causing havoc were "creeps." They had "crept in unawares." They came in secretly! Slipped in unnoticed! Thy wormed their way in! They were outward members, but inward they were objectors; they were ravenous wolves in sheep's clothing. They were creeps!

The Bible tells us that these creeps were..,

  • Defiling the flesh
  • Rejecting authority
  • Reviling the Glorious One
  • Practicing Immorality
  • Had the spirit of rebellion
  • Slanderous
  • Followers of the way of Cain
  • Making the error of Balaam (covetousness)
  • Encouraging sin
  • And they will perish like those in the rebellion of Korah, who fought against Moses and had a divisive spirit that was void of the spirit of God. They were in the camp, but out of relationship with God!


  • Those in the Church that Jude writes to are suffering the same void..., the creeps were in the church, but the church wasn't in them!

They were

  • False teachers
  • Rainless clouds
  • Fruitless trees
  • Ungodly!



What I like about Jude is that he understands that all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.” He was a non-believer once himself.

He understands that the Lord desires that no man perish, but that all have ever lasting life. There but by the grace of God, he could have been one of those creeps!

  • As believers, we must fight against the creeps!
  • As believers, we must remember the word of God!
  • As believers, we must build ourselves in faith!
  • As believers, we've got to store up riches in heaven!
  • As believers, we must stand on God's Grace!
  • As believers, we must pray in the Holy Spirit!

When we are built up, we become strong! Then, when we are strong, we are charged to..,

  • Go and get them that are out of the arch of safety!
  • Be merciful to those who doubt!

Jude tells his readers what they are to do with and for these creeps.

  • They must show mercy to those who have a weak or compromised faith!
  • He says on some have compassion, making a distinction, which is to say, make a notable difference.
  • He goes on to say, “but others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire.” Imagine that, Jude tells them to brave their fear of the creeps and get down into the fire if necessary to rescue them.
  • He tells them to “hate even the garment defiled by the flesh.” - I interpret that to mean they are to love the person but hate their evil deed.


  • Snatch some out of the very fires of Hell! Oh, you will face resistance. Creeps are afraid. In fact,
  • You yourself may experience FEAR (Phobos, phobia) means fear, dread, terror; fear of being caught in the sin you are freeing them from. Do it anyway!
  • Hate the very garments that they wear; hate every trace of sin but love the sinner.
  • How do you love someone and hate them at the same time? How do can we do any of these high and lofty things? You remember the three primary Greek words for love?
  1. Eros
  1. Philia
  2. Agape

Because they were unable to be blunt with love, they needed help. Thank God Jude has an answer. In what has become the most recited benediction in the church today, Jude tells them that they can never do it under their own strength or power. There is nothing in us that will prepare us for such a life..,

  • to cast out demonic people,
  • to challenge the devils that are in the church.
  • Nothing!

Follow me on this:

  • The Bible says, Now! Now unto! Now unto Him! Now unto Him who is able! Able to keep you! Able to keep you from falling! Able to keep you from falling and present you faultless before the presence of His glory! With exceeding great joy! Exceeding great joy! Exceeding great joy!
  • This is the benediction..., the conclusion of the matter. It brings it to a close! It is finished!

I don’t know about you, but I don't want to see one more person that I love miss the mark and go to hell. I don’t care if they crept into the church or are in the street, I will do my best to be sure that none of those who are in the church who fight against the Lord will go unchallenged! And all who are in the world hears the Gospel of Jesus Christ! The Lord wants them to make it in too!

  • It is the love of God that makes it possible. Agape love! Transforming love! Connecting love! Love that is able to keep you from falling.

The Bible says that He will not only keep you from falling, but that He will do it in the presence of His glory!

Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy, To the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen.”

There it is!

He will do it! I know He will! You want to know how I know? I know because as Jude says,


(William Banks)

He is to no man ANSWERABLE!

His company is DESIRABLE!

His deeds are more than NOTABLE

His paths are more than PEACEABLE

His doctrine is PROFITABLE

His reasons are REASONABLE

His promises are RELIABLE

Every morning His compassions are RENEWABLE

His word is swift and TERRIBLE

His decrees are UNALTERABLE


His wisdom is UNATTAINABLE!


His truth is UNSTOPPABLE


And in His power, He makes us live RADICAL!




He is ABLE! He is ABLE  

I know that my God is ABLE! He can pick you up, turn you around, He can place your feet on solid ground.

If we keep this blessing in mind and in our hearts, we will be able to identify, minister to, and lead ALL the creeps in the church to salvation.


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