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Thursday, December 1, 2022



Roosevelt High School Early College Studies, Mayor Spano’s School Spotlight Award for December 2022.

(Photo Credit: Maurice Mercado/City of Yonkers)


YONKERS, NY – December 1, 2022 – Yonkers Mayor Mike Spano today joined Yonkers Board of Education President Rev. Steve Lopez and Superintendent of Schools Dr. Edwin M. Quezada to present his School Spotlight Award for December 2022 to the deserving administration, faculty, staff, parents and students at Roosevelt High School-Early College Studies. Under the leadership of Principal Edward DeChent, Roosevelt High School - Early College Studies is being recognized for its continued rising graduation rate, supportive early college program and their outstanding level of hospitality provided to the 600 students and staff of Family School 32 who were evacuated as a result of smoke in the school from a minor contained fire.

“Roosevelt High School - Early College Studies continues to place a strong focus on the overall quality of education given to our students,” said Mayor Spano. “I would like to commend Principal DeChent, as well as the administrators, teachers, staff and students for providing a safe space and refuge for the 600 students and staff of Family School 32. When our students step up to care for and look out for the well-being of another without hesitation, we know we are fostering well-rounded and exemplary young people.”


On October 28, 2022, 600 students, faculty and staff of Family School 32 were evacuated as a result of smoke in the school from a minor, contained fire and were sent to Roosevelt High School-Early College Studies for the remainder of the day. Roosevelt students were paired with the elementary students to assist them by monitoring indoor and outdoor activities, distributing lunches and escorting the students to their buses during dismissal.   


In addition, for the past four years, the school’s graduation rates remain consistent at 94% or better, which can be attributed to Roosevelt’s Early College High School Program and students participation in the Smart Scholars program.  Students have  the opportunity to complete their high school studies while simultaneously earning between 24 to 60 transferable college credits towards their college Associates Degree. This program serves to increase high school graduation and college completion rates by reducing student tuition costs when they become full-time college students after graduating from high school.


Board of Education President Rev. Steve Lopez said, “Thank you Mayor Spano for shining a light on the outstanding programs, academic progress and accomplishments of Yonkers Public Schools’ students, administrators, teachers, faculty and staff.  At Roosevelt, Principal DeChent and the entire faculty designed programs aligning college courses to career pathways and nurture every student as they earn a high school diploma.  The Trustees and I are proud that community service is an integral component of Roosevelt’s student expectations and overall program. Clearly, on October 28th the students were ready, willing and able to help make the students from Family School 32 feel welcomed and safe.” 


Dr. Edwin M. Quezada, Superintendent of Yonkers Public Schools added, “This recognition is so well deserved by the entire Roosevelt learning community, especially the Roosevelt students who lovingly cared for the Family School 32 children throughout the day.  It was magnificent observing the ease in which the Roosevelt students and staff embraced their additional responsibilities on October 28th.  Everyone working together to support the Family School 32 children as soon as they arrived at Roosevelt personified the compassionate heart of the school community cultivated under Principal DeChent’s leadership that is evident throughout the building.  Roosevelt’s administrators, teachers, faculty and staff work relentlessly to improve instruction and provide equitable opportunities for Roosevelt’s students to continue to excel.  The 94% graduation rate demonstrates that the students are academically college, career and civic ready.  The Early College Studies program streamlines students’ transition to college through academic and social emotional learning supports, college course offerings and summer programs.”


Mayor Spano’s School Spotlight Award highlights four schools within the academic school year for their significant academic success, extracurricular achievements and community volunteerism of Yonkers’ students, teachers, administrationstaff and Yonkers Public Schools.


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