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Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Yonkers Insider: Yonkers City Council: Yonkers City Council Meetings- October 18, 2022 by Yonkers City Councilwoman Corazon Pineda Issac 2nd District.


Yesterday evening, October 18, 2022, the Yonkers City Council held a Community and Mental Health Services Committee Meeting and a Rules Committee meeting. All items on the agendas appear below, as well as the decisions taken by the City Council in regard to these items.

Community and Mental Health Services Committee Meeting Agenda

1. Resolution approving lease amendment and the sub-leasing of 127 North Broadway by the Police Athletic League to the S.I.C Film School. (No Fiscal Impact.) (Moved to Rules Committee Meeting agenda for October 18, 2022)

Rules Committee Meeting Agenda

Items for Consideration by Administration

1.    Resolution approving an agreement between the City of Yonkers and SEIU Local 704. (Negative fiscal impact.) (All Councilmembers.) - Moved to Budget Committee for further discussion and will appear on City Council Stated meeting agenda of October 25, 2022
2.    Resolution approving an Inter-Municipal Agreement between the County of Westchester and the City of Yonkers for the provision of the Youth-Community Affairs Development (YCAD) program through the City’s Youth Bureau (Positive fiscal impact.) (All Councilmembers.) - Moved to City Council Stated Meeting agenda of October 25, 2022
3.    Special Ordinance – authorizing the Youth Community Affairs Development (Y-CAD) Grant from the Westchester County Youth Bureau in the amount of $28,314.00 and amending the City of Yonkers Grant Budget for Fiscal Year 2022/2023.  (Positive Fiscal Impact.) (All Councilmembers.) - Moved to City Council Stated Meeting agenda of October 25, 2022
4.    Resolution –approving an Inter-Municipal Agreement by and between the City of Yonkers and the County of Westchester to accept Expanded In-Home Service for the Elderly (“EISEP” Case Management Service PY 2022/23 Grant Funding. (No Fiscal Impact.) (All Councilmembers.) - Moved to City Council Stated Meeting agenda of October 25, 2022
5.    Resolution – accepting the donation of an All Terrain Power Bike from the Yonkers Downtown Business Improvement District. (No Fiscal Impact.) (All Councilmembers.) - Moved to City Council Stated Meeting agenda of October 25, 2022
6.    Special Ordinance – authorizing the acceptance of Federal 2022 Home Investment Partnerships Grant Year 48 Funding from the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development and amending the City of Yonkers Grant Budget for Fiscal Year 2022/23. (Positive Fiscal Impact.) (All Councilmembers.) - Moved to Budget Committee for further discussion and will appear on City Council Stated meeting agenda of October 25, 2022
7.    Resolution – State Environmental Quality Review Act for various capital projects in the City of Yonkers. (No Fiscal Impact.) (All Councilmembers.) - Moved to Budget Committee for further discussion and will appear on City Council Stated meeting agenda of October 25, 2022
8.    Special Ordinance – Bond Ordinance of the City of Yonkers, New York authorizing funding for the city’s share of the construction of the Cacace Parking Garage; stating the estimated maximum cost thereof is $15,000,000; appropriating said amount therefore and authorizing the issuance of bonds of said city in the principal amount of not to exceed $15,000,000 to finance said appropriation. (Negative Fiscal Impact.) (All Councilmembers.) - Moved to Budget Committee for further discussion and will appear on City Council Stated meeting agenda of October 25, 2022
9.    Special Ordinance – Bond Ordinance of the City of Yonkers, New
York authorizing funding for various Capital Projects included in the City’s 2022-23 Capital Budget, as amended stating the total estimated maximum cost thereof is $5,296,451; appropriating said amount therefor; and authorizing the issuance of bonds of said city in the principal amount of not to exceed $5,296,451 to finance said appropriation. (Negative Fiscal Impact.) (All Councilmembers.) - Moved to Budget Committee for further discussion and will appear on City Council Stated meeting agenda of October 25, 2022
10.Special Ordinance – Bond Rrdinance of the City of Yonkers, New York authorizing funding for the acquisition of one or more parcels of real property to be used as the site of the new waterfront park; stating the estimated maximum cost thereof is $13,000,000; appropriating said amount therefor and authorizing the issuance of bonds of said city in the principal amount of not to exceed $13,000,000 to finance said appropriation. (Negative Fiscal Impact.) (All Councilmembers.)  - Moved to Budget Committee for further discussion and will appear on City Council Stated meeting agenda of October 25, 2022

Items for Consideration by Council

Old Business
1.General Ordinance amending Chapter 5 of the Yonkers City Code in regards to the fees imposed for Civil Service Examinations. (Negative Fiscal Impact.) (All Councilmembers.) - Moved to City Council Stated Meeting agenda of October 25, 2022
2.Local Law amending Section 56-61 of Article VII of the Charter of the City of Yonkers in relation to notice to demolish and permit. - Moved to City Council Stated Meeting agenda of October 25, 2022
New Business

4.(Added on from Community and Mental Health Services Committee Meeting) Resolution approving lease amendment and the subleasing of 127 North Broadway by the Police Athletic League to the S.I.C. Film School - Moved to City Council Stated Meeting agenda of October 25, 2022

You can tune in to City Council meetings via the City Council Facebook page, City Hall TV (accessible via the City of Yonkers website), Optimum channel 78, or Verizon Fios channel 39. 

Best regards,
Hon. Corazon Pineda-Isaac
Tel: (914) 377-6312

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