New Yonkers City Clerk's Office Ad.

New Yonkers City Clerk's Office Ad.
Yonkers City Clerk's Office - Yonkers City Clerk Vincent Spano.

Business AD: Henry Djonbalaj Real Estate LLC: Henry Djonbalaj: Licensed Real Estate Broker.

Business AD: Henry Djonbalaj Real Estate LLC: Henry Djonbalaj: Licensed Real Estate Broker.
Henry Djonbalaj Real Estate LLC.

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

From the Desk of Brian Harrod.


BASEMENT PSYCHOSIS: People Like MPACnow's Unstable "Useful Idiot", Who Is Drawn to Conspiracy Theories, Usually Suffer From A Cluster Of #Paranoid Psychological Disorders
BONKERS IN YONKERS: #JohnKhader's Useful Idiot Is In deep in denial, believing that #DonaldTrump won the last presidental election and the Jewish Media is pushing #TheBigLie that President #JoeBiden won the election and has even done an hour long #Youtube video claiming that the January 6th capitol riot was was a hoax created by elites in the American government.

QRAZY FREDDY: And the "Village Idiot" has said that law enforcement officers started the riot by attacking innocent supporters in a “false flag” operation to prevent #Trump from becoming president; not to mention his bizarre belief that the entire FBI is corrupt.
#OMG.... The "Village Idiot" thinks that that the coronavirus pandemic is an elaborate hoax that is part of “The Great Reset”, where 'Elites” are using the pandemic, the war in Ukraine and supply chain issues to advance the enslavement of Americans, by making them dependent of federal assistance.

#SMH... And the "Village Idiot" has repeatedly made racist statements that he thinks Jewish People are trying to force minorities to move out of The City of Yonkers and other statements simular to the ones that got mentally disturbed Kanye West removed from #Twitter and #Instagram

#WTF... The Village Idiot's conspiracy mongering even suggests that Fentanyl deaths in The City Of Yonkers are a part of the "United Nation's Agenda 2030" that supposedly wants to reduce the population in the United States and other countries.
#LOL... The "Village Idiot' believes there are conspiracies “behind many things in the world" and has has even expressed his belief that the Democratic Party officials were part of an elitist child sex ring and evil religious cult.
#FACTS.... The dangerous consequences of the conspiratorial perspective—the idea that people or groups are colluding in hidden ways to produce a particular outcome—have become painfully clear as the unstable "village Idiot" has threatened, stalked and assuaulted officials in the city of hills.
Research has shown that feelings of anxiety often make people like the "Village Idiot" think more conspiratorially and become more paranoid in their daily outlook.
However, if the "Village Idiot" takes personal responsibility and seeks medical help then he can develop strategies that can help him distinguish plausible theories from those that are almost certainly fake.
For example, In a 2015 study in the Netherlands, researchers split college students into three groups. People in one group were primed to feel powerless.
The scientists asked them to recall and write about a time in their lives when they felt they were not in control of the situation they were in.
Those in a second group were cued in the opposite direction. They were asked to write about a time when they felt totally in control.
And still others, in the third group, were asked something neutral: to describe what they had for dinner last night.
Then the researchers asked all the groups how they felt about the construction of a new subway line in Amsterdam that had been plagued by problems.
Students who had been primed to feel in control were less likely than students in the other two groups to support conspiracy theories regarding the subway line, such as the belief that the city council was stealing from the subway’s budget and that it was intentionally jeopardizing residents’ safety.
Other studies have uncovered similar effects. a 2016 Australian study found that individuals who feel stressed are more likely than others to believe in conspiracy theories, and a 2017 study found that promoting anxiety in people also makes them more conspiracy-minded.
Feeling alienated or unwanted also seems to make conspiratorial or paranoid thinking more attractive.
In 2017 Princeton University psychologists set up an experiment with trios of people.
The researchers asked all participants to write two paragraphs describing themselves and then told them that their descriptions would be shared with the other two in their group, who would use that information to decide if they would work with the person in the future.
After telling some subjects that they had been accepted by their group and others that they had been rejected, the researchers evaluated the subjects’ thoughts on various conspiracy-related scenarios.
The “rejected” participants, feeling alienated, were more likely than the others to think the scenarios involved a coordinated conspiracy.
When untreated feelings of personal alienation or anxiety are combined you can end up with a very unstable and emotionally disturbed person making toxic videos, threatening people, stalking people and even physically assaulting people.
Although unstable and emotionally disturbed people seek solace in conspiracy theories, they wont find it and their untreated illness can snowball and become a pretty vicious, nasty cycle of negative behavior that can lead to a paranoid persecution complex or even worse horrific beliefs that they are a "targeted individual" that is being gang stalked by local officials or national intelligence agencies....

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