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Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Yonkers Insider: City of Yonkers: DOMINICAN REPUBLIC FLAG RAISING.


On Friday, February 25, 2022, the Dominican Flag was raised celebrating their 178th Anniversary of Independence. 

Dominican Independence Day is a day to reflect, thank and honor the sacrifice, which a group of patriots made with the purpose to make the Dominican Republic an independent and free state.

The first Dominican Republic Flag:
Was made in 1838 and at this time it didn't have a shield.

The flag has 3 colors: Red representing the blood shed by the fighters who fought against the Haitians for the Independence of the Republic. Blue representing the beautiful blue sky.  The white cross represents the purity and union of the country.  
The shield that was added is the only one in the world with the Holy Bible in it.  It is the only one that includes God it its motto "Dios Patria Libertad." ~ God, Homeland, Liberty
The flag was first flown on February 27, 1844, the day they were freed from slavery and became independent.  It is also the day the country was named "Republica Dominican".


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