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Monday, December 13, 2021

Greenburgh Insider: Town Bd to name lounge at Multipurpose Center in honor of retiring Councilwoman Diana Juettner.


Diana Juettner has served the town for almost 30 years. Monday, December 13 is her last meeting as a Councilwoman.

Tonight  (Monday, Dec 13) will be the final meeting of the Greenburgh Town Board for 2021. It's also Councilwoman Diana Juettner's last meeting as a Councilwoman. Diana has served the town for almost 30 years as a Town Board member - never losing an election!

After Councilwoman Juettner votes on the 2022 budget (there will be a slight tax cut next year---our third consecutive no tax hike budget), the Board will vote to name the lounge at the multipurpose center in honor of Diana Juettner's exceptional service to the town of Greenburgh during the past three decades. 

Without Diana's advocacy the multipurpose center would not have been built. Diana played key roles in the library expansion, significant open space acquisition; our Aaa bond rating; the miles of additional sidewalks and safety enhancements being built around the town, the Nature Center, building affordable housing around town and much more.   Years ago she convinced me to try something most people had not yet tried -e mails and the internet -- she was involved in our technology committee. She was a few years ahead of her time and Greenburgh was the first community in the region to have a government website.  I became an e mail addict because of Diana.

Diana will be missed.  She deserves the recognition and a big thank you for her hard work, dedication and accomplishments.

Our Town Board meeting starts at 8 PM Monday, December 13th at Town Hall. Only residents who wear masks can attend our meetings. 

PAUL FEINER, Greenburgh Town Supervisor

Resolution to be voted on is below:


WHEREAS, the Town of Greenburgh has a park and recreation naming policy and under section 4 of the policy it states a park, field, or recreational facility may be named to honor an organization or a person, but only to recognize extraordinary contribution or service to the unincorporated Greenburgh park system or to the community. A living person may be honored in extraordinary cases, by the naming of a field or recreation facility;

and WHEREAS, on December 1, 2021 Paul Feiner, the Supervisor for the Town of Greenburgh proposed that the lounge in the Anthony F. Veteran Park Multipurpose Center be renamed the Diana D. Juettner Lounge to honor her many years of public and volunteer contributions in the community; 

and WHEREAS, Diana Juettner served on the Greenburgh Town Board from 1992 – 2021 supporting numerous proposals to improve the quality of life in Greenburgh; 

and WHEREAS, Diana Juettner has served as liaison to the Parks and Recreation Advisory and to Commissioner of Parks and Recreation since 1992;

and WHEREAS, Diana Juettner during her tenure, supported and voted for the building of the Anthony F. Veteran Park Multipurpose Center, the acquisition of many parks such as the Hartsbrook Park and Preserve, Glenville Woods Park Preserve, and Taxter Ridge Park Preserve and was instrumental in taking a 269 acres park system and expand it 634 acres; 

and WHEREAS, Diana Juettner served as liaison to the Greenburgh Library Board and supported the referendum and played an important role that brought about the reconstruction and rebuilding of the Greenburgh Library; 

and WHEREAS, Diana Juettner served as liaison to the Greenburgh Nature Center and supported numerous programs and projects;

and WHEREAS, Diana Juettner was the first co-manager for the first Ardsley Little League Girls Softball team and was the second Commissioner for the Ardsley Little League girls softball program; 

and WHEREAS, Diana Juettner served as liaison to the Greenburgh Town Court, Climate Acton Task Force, Drug Court Advisory Board and Senior Programs ; 

and WHEREAS, Diana Juettner was an ardent supporter mission and programs of the Theodore D. Young Community Center and Greenburgh Veterans Committee;

and WHEREAS, the honorable Town Councilwoman Diana D. Juettner on December 1, 2021 received the Commissioner’s Community Service Award in recognition of her outstanding contribution and dedication for enhancing parks and recreational opportunities in the Town of Greenburgh; 

and WHEREAS, at the December 1, 2021, Greenburgh Parks and Recreation Advisory Board meeting, a unanimous resolution was passed recommending that the Town Board accept the proposal to rename the lounge in the Anthony F. Veteran Park Multipurpose Center to the Diana D. Juettner Lounge. 

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Greenburgh authorizes the Commissioner of Parks and Recreation to name the Anthony F. Veteran Park Multipurpose Center lounge the Diana D. Juettner Lounge

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