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New Yonkers City Clerk's Office Ad.
Yonkers City Clerk's Office - Yonkers City Clerk Vincent Spano.

Business AD: Henry Djonbalaj Real Estate LLC: Henry Djonbalaj: Licensed Real Estate Broker.

Business AD: Henry Djonbalaj Real Estate LLC: Henry Djonbalaj: Licensed Real Estate Broker.
Henry Djonbalaj Real Estate LLC.

Sunday, June 13, 2021

Yonkers Insider Endorsement Alert: Yonkers Insider Publisher Delfim Heusler Endorses Virginia Perez for Westchester County Legislator 17th District: #ReturnVirginiaPerezBackToCountyBoard

We write this Endorsement Editorial in Support of Former Westchester County Legislator Virginia Perez, I hope My Endorsement will help her in this Return to run for the Seat, She Occupied for 8 Years. We need her back in Elected Office that's the Bottom Line. We need Better Representation and that's a Fact and let's bring the Best Elected Official back to Represent US and that is Our Champion Virginia Perez. 

We need Better Representation for Southwest Yonkers on the Westchester County Board of Legislators in the 17th District and the Answer is Virginia Perez, She will fight for US, like She always has and She is not Afraid to Ruffle Feathers to get what's needed for Her Extended Family in District 17. 

The Establishment is Very Afraid of A Virginia Perez Victory, Don't Buy into the Lies and False Propaganda that the Establishment will put out there. Don't Allow the Political Establishment to Silence your Voice, Let's send them a Strong Message and Make it  Loud and Clear: "That We Want Virginia Perez as our County Legislator of the 17th District". She has always been there for Her Extended Family the Voters of the 17th District, when She was a County Legislator. She has always been there for the Yonkers Community. Virginia always had Events done by herself to Help Community know of what Resources were available to them. She has always had Our Backs, Now it's time for US to have Her Back in this Primary and let's Send County Legislator Alvarado packing back to his Job in City of Yonkers Parks Department.

County Legislator Alvarado is a Tool of the Political Class and of the Establishment, Look at the way that the City of Yonkers and County Of Westchester Administrations are backing this man, who in my view is the Ultimate Symbol of what a Failing Elected Official Truly is in my View. I am personally disappointed in Mayor Spano and County Exec Latimer in their Endorsements of Jose and other members of Establishment who Endorse Jose for Re-Election should be ashamed as well. I will be doing a Series of Articles on the Record of The Westchester County Legislator from the Last 2 Years to Expose to District 17 Voters, before they go to the Polls to Vote on this Most Important Race and My Series will show what truly A Failed Elected Official Legislator Alvarado truly is. #SayNoToDoubleDipping Politicians 

Westchester County Legislator Jose Alvarado Your Fired!

The 3rd Candidate in this Democratic Party Primary in this County Board Race for District 17 is Community Activist London Reyes, This will be his 3rd Attempt for this Seat.

Early Voting Starts on June 12th and Runs till June 20th and Primary Day is on June 22nd. 17th District Democratic Party Voters: Let's Rock the Vote in Early Voting for Virginia Perez and On Primary Day as well. #ReturnVirginiaPerezBackToCountyBoard

This Endorsement is the Sole View and Opinion of Yonkers Insider.

Yonkers Insider Publisher Delfim Heusler

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