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Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Yonkers Insider: Yonkers City Hall Beat: Yonkers City Council Rules Committee Meeting - March 2, 2021.


I would like to remind you of the new COVID-19 Vaccination site opening up in Yonkers tomorrow. I urge you to pre-register immediately, as beginning TOMORROW, March 3, 2021, registration will be open to everyone in Westchester County, meaning that the pool of applicants will significantly increase. The new site will be at the Yonkers National Guard Recruiting Center, located at 2 Quincy Place, Yonkers, NY 10701. Please visit the link below.

The Yonkers City Council held a Rules Committee Meeting today, Tuesday, March 2, 2021. All items on the agenda appear below, as well as what decisions were taken by the City Council in regard to these items.

Items Introduced by City Council Members:

Old Business:
1. By Council President Khader - A local law creating a new Chapter 38 of the Code of the City of Yonkers entitled “Third Party Delivery Services”. (Moved to Council agenda of March 9, 2021)

2. A Local Law establishing a Community Choice Aggregation (Energy) Program in the City of Yonkers. (Moved to Council agenda of March 9, 2021)

3. By Council President Khader - A General Ordinance Amending Article IX of Chapter 13 of Part III of The Code of the City of Yonkers entitled “Environmentally Preferable Purchases” (Moved to Council agenda of March 9, 2021)

New Business:
1. By Council President Khader - Supporting New York State Assembly Bill A.5180 and State Senate Bill S.3184, this would provide broadband internet access for all public school children. (Moved to Council agenda of March 9, 2021) (Moved to Council agenda of March 9, 2021)

2. By Council President Khader, Majority Leader Pineda-Isaac, Minority Leader Breen, and Councilmembers Williams, Diaz, Rubbo and Merante - Resolution of the City Council of Yonkers declaring the Month of March 2021 “Women’s History Month” and celebrating 101 years of Women’s Suffrage, and to declare March 8, 2021 as “International Women’s Day.” (Moved to Council agenda of March 9, 2021)

3. By Councilmember Williams - A Resolution of the City Council of Yonkers calling on the City of Yonkers to evaluate and consider the implementation of a pilot program with circuit to provide Electric Shuttle Services to the downtown area. (Moved to Environmental Committee for further discussion)

4. By Council President Khader, Majority Leader Pineda-Isaac, Minority Leader Breen, and Councilmembers Williams, Diaz, Rubbo and Merante - A Resolution of the Council of the City of Yonkers to declare March 2021 as Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month in the City of Yonkers. (Moved to Council agenda of March 9, 2021)

5. By Councilmember Williams - A Resolution of the City Council Of Yonkers declaring the month of March 2021 “Social Workers Month” (Moved to Council agenda of March 9, 2021)

6. By Councilmember Williams- A Resolution of the City Council of Yonkers in support of H.R.40 to establish a commission to study and develop reparation proposals for African Americans (Moved to Community Affairs & Mental Health Committee for further discussion)

7. By Council President Khader, Majority Leader Pineda-Isaac and Councilmembers, Williams, Rubbo and Diaz - A Resolution of the City Council of Yonkers in support of “Invest In Our New York Act” (Moved to Budget Committee for further discussion)

8. By Minority Leader Breen - Resolution of the Council of the City of Yonkers commemorating the Annual Yonkers St. Patrick’s Day Commemoration and Celebration of Irish-American Culture and Heritage.(Moved to Council agenda of March 9, 2021)

9. By Council President Khader, Majority Leader Pineda-Isaac, Minority Leader Breen, and Councilmembers Williams, Diaz, Rubbo and Merante - Commissioner of Deeds (Moved to Council agenda of March 9, 2021)

Add-On Item #1- Application for Special Use Permit for 35 Vark Street (Moved to Council agenda of March 9, 2021)

Add-On Item #2- Petition for Zone Change for 120 Odell Avenue (Moved to Real Estate Committee for further discussion)

Items introduced by the Administration:

1. A Special Ordinance authorizing acceptance of state grant funding from the Hudson River Valley Greenway Conservancy in the amount of $75,000, and amending the City of Yonkers Grant Budget for Fiscal Year 2020/2021. (Moved to Council agenda of March 9, 2021)

2. That the settlement by the Corporation Counsel in the amount of eight thousand dollars ($8,000) of the personal injury claim of Desiree Perdomo (“Perdomo”) against Alexis Diazfor and Nicole Pelose for wages the City of Yonkers. (Moved to Council agenda of March 9, 2021)

3. A Special Ordinance authorizing acceptance of additional federal 2019 Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) year 45 CV2 Supplemental Funding from the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development in the amount of $2,952,400 and amending the City of Yonkers Grant Budget for Fiscal Year 2020/2021. (Moved to Council agenda of March 9, 2021)

4. Resolution approving an inter-municipal agreement by and between the City of Yonkers and the County of Westchester to accept HDC2-FFCR Act & HDC3 Cares Act funds for expanded nutrition and supportive services. Program year 2020-21. (Moved to Council agenda of March 9, 2021)

5. Resolution requesting the passage of legislation designating Parking and Code Enforcement Officers employed by the City of Yonkers as Peace Officers. (Moved to Council agenda of March 9, 2021)

6. A Resolution to adopt the City of Yonkers Police Reform & Reinvention Collaborative Plan (Moved to Municipal Operations Committee for further discussion - time sensitive)

7. Resolution Renewing and Extending the use of the ERUV District for Northeast Yonkers Jewish Center (Moved to Council agenda of March 9, 2021)

8. That the settlement by the Corporation Counsel in the amount of eighty thousand dollars ($80,000.00) of the action entitled, Gary A. Taylor (Moved to Council agenda of March 9, 2021).

9. Resolution approving an inter-municipal agreement between the County of Westchester and the City of Yonkers whereby the county will assist the city in the construction and installation of an Enslaved Africans’ Rain Garden (Moved to Council agenda of March 9, 2021)

10. An Ordinance confirming the tax roll for Westchester County taxes, including Sewer District taxes and Refuse Disposal District taxes, for the Calendar Year 2021, and levying and assessing the taxes contained therein. (Moved to Council agenda of March 9, 2021)

I encourage Yonkers city residents to keep up with these items to stay current on what is happening in our city!

As a friendly reminder, City Council meetings will continue to be held virtually for the time being. Tune in via the City Council Facebook page, City Hall TV (accessible via the City of Yonkers website), Optimum channel 78, or Verizon Fios channel 39. 
Best regards,
Hon. Corazon Pineda-Isaac
Tel: (914) 377-6312

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