New Yonkers City Clerk's Office Ad.

New Yonkers City Clerk's Office Ad.
Yonkers City Clerk's Office - Yonkers City Clerk Vincent Spano.

Business AD: Henry Djonbalaj Real Estate LLC: Henry Djonbalaj: Licensed Real Estate Broker.

Business AD: Henry Djonbalaj Real Estate LLC: Henry Djonbalaj: Licensed Real Estate Broker.
Henry Djonbalaj Real Estate LLC.

Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Yonkers Insider: Yonkers City Council Committee Meetings this week by Yonkers City Council Majority Leader Corazon Pineda Isaac 2nd District.


The Yonkers City Council held 3 Committee meetings this week: a Budget & Finance Committee meeting, an Environmental Policy and Protection Committee meeting, and a Real Estate Committee meeting. All items on the agendas appear below, as well as what decisions were taken by the City Council in regard to these items.

Budget & Finance Committee Meeting (March 29, 2021)

1. A resolution of the City Council of Yonkers establishing participatory budgeting (Moved to Rule Committee meeting of April 6 (Moved to Rules Committee meeting of April 6th)

2. Resolution of the Council of the City of Yonkers calling on the City of Yonkers to provide all city employees with paid time off to receive the COVID-19 Vaccine (Kept in Committee)
3. Resolution of the City Council of Yonkers in support of "Invest in Our New York Act" (Moved to Rules Committee meeting of April 6th, by a vote of 5-2)

Environmental Policy & Protection Committee Meeting(March 30, 2021)

1. Local Law authorizing the lease of certain city properties for Solar Energy (Moved to Rules Committee meeting of April 6th, by a vote of 5-2)

2. A resolution of Yonkers City Council calling on the City of Yonkers to evaluate and consider the implementation of a Pilot Program to provide Electric Shuttle Services to the Downtown Area (Moved to Rules Committee meeting of April 6th)

Real Estate Committee Meeting (March 30, 2021)

1. A Resolution to declare the City Council's intention to seek Lead Agency under SEQRA for the amendment of Chapter 43 of the Code of the City of Yonkers, commonly known as the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Yonkers and the accompanying Zoning map regarding the properties known as 120 Odell Avenue, also known as section 3, block 3535, lot 84 on the official tax map of the City of Yonkers, 967 North Broadway, also known as section 3, block 3535, lot 68 on the official tax map of the City of Yonkers, and 951 North Broadway, also known as section 3, block 3535, lot 100 on the official tax map of the City of Yonkers. (Moved to Rules Committee meeting of April 6th)

I encourage Yonkers city residents to keep up with these items to stay current on what is happening in our city!

As a friendly reminder, City Council meetings will continue to be held virtually for the time being. Tune in via the City Council Facebook page, City Hall TV (accessible via the City of Yonkers website), Optimum channel 78, or Verizon Fios channel 39. 
Best regards,
Hon. Corazon Pineda-Isaac
Tel: (914) 377-6312

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