New Yonkers City Clerk's Office Ad.

New Yonkers City Clerk's Office Ad.
Yonkers City Clerk's Office - Yonkers City Clerk Vincent Spano.

Business AD: Henry Djonbalaj Real Estate LLC: Henry Djonbalaj: Licensed Real Estate Broker.

Business AD: Henry Djonbalaj Real Estate LLC: Henry Djonbalaj: Licensed Real Estate Broker.
Henry Djonbalaj Real Estate LLC.

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Mount Vernon Insider: Election 2021 Desk: Pay Our Workers!" - Mount Vernon Forward Coalition Stands With Teamsters Local 456.


Mount Vernon Forward Coalition Stands With Teamsters Local 456

Citing the “incredible commitment” of Mount Vernon’s Department of Public Works employees through the challenges of a deadly pandemic, destructive tropical storm, paralyzing winter weather, and an aging infrastructure, the Mount Vernon Forward team today issued a statement of support for Teamsters Local 456 as it fights with the City Comptroller for contracted pay raises and overtime pay.

The MV Forward team for Mount Vernon City Council — Danielle Browne, Cathlin Gleason, and Ed Poteat — also pledged that if elected they would introduce legislation mandating that the Comptroller deal fairly with organized labor.

“We stand fully behind the union and their right to seek the payment they bargained for in good faith,” said Cathlin Gleason, candidate for City Council. “I come from a union family, we are the union ticket, Mount Vernon Forward is absolutely committed to organized labor and our public employees. I have worked hard to support our Teamsters locals in the past, and I will continue to be an advocate for them.”

“These men and women of the DPW stood with all of us through the very worst of times in this city,” said Danielle Browne, candidate for City Council. “They’ve worked through Covid. They’ve worked through brutal heat waves and snowstorms. They deserve our respect and thanks as Mount Vernon residents, and they deserve to be paid.”

“Our workforce has been cut by as much as 40 percent, and the Comptroller has refused to pay these public servants what they are due,” said Ed Poteat, candidate for City Council. “They’re working with old equipment and the sewer crisis shows, with an aging infrastructure. As a city planning expert, I can tell you that this cannot continue. And every city needs a strong partnership with organized labor.”

The Mount Vernon Forward team called on the City Comptroller to immediately pay the contracted overtime, and pledged to work with Teamsters Local 456 to bring public pressure to bear in support of its members.

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