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Yonkers City Clerk's Office - Yonkers City Clerk Vincent Spano.

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Business AD: Henry Djonbalaj Real Estate LLC: Henry Djonbalaj: Licensed Real Estate Broker.
Henry Djonbalaj Real Estate LLC.

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

From The Desk Of Roundup Newswires Publish Brian Harrod: Roundup Newswires.


From The Desk Of Roundup Newswires Publish Brian Harrod.... BUSINESS INSIDER: Pastors Leaving Churches as QAnon Nationalists Thrive The trend has prompted hundreds of evangelical pastors and faith leaders to speak out. In February, more than 1,400 of them published an open letter condemning "radicalized Christian nationalism" and the "rise of violent acts by radicalized extremists using the name of Christ,". "Among them is Jared Stacey, a Southern Baptist youth pastor from Virginia who ended up leaving the church altogether after QAnon and other conspiracy theories began to divide his congregation. He moved to Scotland in December, where he now studies theology at the University of Aberdeen. He told Insider he left to "create some space," adding that pastoring in 2020 was "a struggle" for many faith leaders. "I do think that a lot of pastors are burdened right now and need a friend," Stacey said. "It's not easy watching people that you've invested time in becoming radicalized so quickly right in front of you." He said that while some people might say politics shouldn't be discussed in churches, there comes "a point where refusing to talk politics is a false front for protecting the political sensibilities of your stakeholders." "That is why there is a theological need to address what the Bible would describe as telling lies or having a false God," he added. But keeping up with the information online is not always easy, and Stacey worries that the church is falling behind in the race to bring Christian messages to a world that spends most of its time online. "The church is going through the biggest information shift since the printing press," Stacey said.". XXX OPINION >>> Sadly This Is Just As I predicted.... #OMG..... They're only concerned now because they can't control it anymore. The truth is that Cambridge Analytics has deliberately targeted the disabled people and people attending Evangelical churches with various nefarious intentions in mind. #SMH.... It seems probable that they sold relevant information and algorithms two people looking to Fan the Flames of the qanon insanity. The pastor's are welcome to join Mainline denominations that unapologetically reject idiocy like #Qanonsense. #FACTS.... Conspiracy theories are running rampant in evangelical churches. It is scary sometimes listening in on evangelical conversations and how far out there some people have went down the rabbit hole. #LOL... These clueless morons were more than happy to accept and even encourage #fascism if it meant they could pack the courts. Evangelical Beth Moore and some Black pastors have left the Southern Baptist Convention. The Southern Baptists need to do some soul searching and once again read the gospels......

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