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Monday, February 22, 2021

Mount Vernon Insider: Election 2021 Desk: Gregory Cannata Democrat for Mount Vernon City Council: Let Me Introduce Myself: Elections 2021.


Leadership and Integrity. Independence and Change.
Dear Friends,

I am Gregory Cannata, and I am running in the Democratic Primary for Mount Vernon City Council. I am currently the Chair of the Mount Vernon Board of Ethics and an attorney. It's important to me to provide you with a detailed campaign platform if I am going to earn your vote. I invite you to take a moment to read my letter to you.

Why Am I running for the City Council?
I am running for the City Council simply because our City government does not run well. We should be doing better as a City. We are not moving forward; we are not even standing still; we are actually falling further and further behind our neighbors. The City Council can be part of the solution, but it needs new people with new ideas. You can’t expect a different approach with the same recycled leaders.

What Should be the Role of the City Council?
The City Council has two functions under the City Charter: to legislate (§ 32) and to investigate “public officers and public affairs” (§ 50). It is an equal branch of government and it should work with the Mayor and the Comptroller to move the City forward. But it is a check on the other branches of government. Don’t be automatically influenced in favor of some candidate merely because he or she is endorsed by some politician. This is the kind of thing that leads directly to recycled politicians and rubber-stamp elected city officials.
The City Council has mostly been silent during scandals of the past administrations. Section 50 of the City Charter grants the Council “the power to investigate all City officers, all departments and all public affairs of the City and shall have access to all records and papers kept by every City officer or department….” In addition, Section 50 authorizes the City Council to issue subpoenas for witnesses and the production of records.
When was the last time you heard the City Council was conducting a hearing and served subpoenas for witnesses and records? Was there any oversight over the abuses by Richard Thomas? Investigations over the improper rate increase and theft of Water Department funds? Any hearings concerning the dysfunction of the Buildings Department? Where were the hearings and subpoenas to Comptroller Reynolds concerning her plunging Mount Vernon into financial ruin? It was only after the State Comptroller severely criticized the City Council and the Mayor for their inaction, did the Council finally take some action. There are many other issues that should be receiving attention from the Council but are not: allegations that certain Narcotics Unit police officers have fabricated evidence, the sewers crisis, the lack of a comprehensive development plan, vacant houses, the sale of City property to certain developers rather than by public auction.

Can you expect a different result with the same recycled politicians?
The truthful answer is “NO” You cannot expect different results with the same recycled politicians who have failed to perform in the past. The goal of these politicians is to SUPPORT the status quo. The last thing they want is to disrupt the power structure at City Hall. 
The incumbents want to keep their seats and you can expect them to continue muddling along in office. If you are happy with the way things are going, then you should re-elect them. Be wary of proposed slates endorsed by politicians. We need independent watchdogs. The last thing we need in Mount Vernon is a rubber stamp City Council.
What we need in City Hall are independent Council members who are not bought by the developers and who will exercise their full oversight authority over all City employees and departments.
If you want to shake things up: if you want an independent point of view; then I’m your man!
What are the Most Important Issues facing Mount Vernon today?
Our number one problem is the dysfunction in the Finance Office. We have a Comptroller who is not doing her job and she is severely damaging our City. For example, she doesn’t pay contractor’s bills, so they now refuse to work for the City. The 911 service contractor hasn’t been paid in two years and is threatening to turn off our 911 call system! The Comptroller has refused to turn over financial statements and refuses to disclose how much is in the bank. The Mayor and the City Council can only guess at past revenue and expenses when preparing the budget. The City has lost its bond rating so it cannot borrow. Our City employees aren’t being paid for worked overtime and morale is low.
The Board of Ethics investigated Comptroller Reynolds and discovered she improperly hiring unqualified persons in violation of the City Service Law. The Board reported its findings to the City Council, which made the Board’s report public. 
During the three years Mount Vernon suffered under Comptroller Reynolds, the City Council failed in its oversight responsibility. The City Charter grants unlimited investigatory powers to the City Council. (Article V, Section 50). The Charter also grants to the City Council the power to subpoena witnesses and documents, a power the Council has failed to ever use against Comptroller Reynolds or anyone else.
If I am fortunate enough to be elected to the City Council, the Council will exercise its oversight and investigatory functions. I will not close my eyes to mismanagement, dishonesty, and abuse of power by any elected or appointed official.
The second biggest problem facing Mount Vernon today is our crumbling infrastructure. Our storm sewers dump untreated waste into the rivers and the federal government is fining us $50,000 a day! Also, because of our inadequate sewerage system, waste backs up and floods people’s homes. We all see how bad our roads are. Traffic lights often don’t work, and public buildings have deteriorated.
These problems are the result of decades of neglect and mismanagement. An ignored problem only worsens and becomes more expensive to correct.
The City Council’s oversight authority requires it to investigate and address issues. This will start if I am on the City Council.
The third major issue confronting Mount Vernon is the lack of a comprehensive plan now causing uncontrolled and unplanned development. Because we do not have a Comprehensive Plan that specifies what can be built and where, developers do whatever they want to in Mount Vernon. Unregulated development contributes to our sewerage problems discussed above. Large-scale housing projects costs our taxpayers a fortune in school taxes. Developers get generous tax abatements from willing elected officials.
In my opinion, Mount Vernon doesn’t need more low-cost housing development that cost us a fortune in school taxes. What we do need is commercial development that brings in jobs and tax revenue. I pledge not to accept a single penny in campaign contributions from any developer. There should be a moratorium for new construction until the Comprehensive Plan is in place.
Mount Vernon also has other issues that need to be addressed by the City Council:
  • The Civilian Complaint Review Board was created in 2018, but never funded! This was a failure by the City Council. Because the CCRB gives a voice to residents who complain of excessive force or other improper interactions with the police and it must be funded immediately.
  • All police officers should be equipped with body cameras.
  • We have to address the “badge-drain” where our best police officers leave Mount Vernon for better pay elsewhere.
  • The City is currently holding 20 vacant houses which should be auctioned to residents for renovation. Let’s get these properties rehabilitated and back on the tax rolls.
  • Water rates were improperly raised 14% to create a “slush-fund.” Hundreds of thousands of dollars were stolen to benefit ex-mayor Richard Thomas. The rates must be rolled back and those participating in the theft be sued to recover the stolen funds.
  • We need to take a fresh look at our City Charter which was written almost 100 years ago. The Charter Revision Commission should examine some of these issues: Should the day-to-day functions of our City be supervised by a City Manager? Should the City Council be organized by districts or city-wide? Should the Comptroller be elected or appointed? Should the City Council have the authority to reject Commissioners? Should there be a recall provision?
  • Was it improper for the City Council to offer $35,000 to Richard Thomas to leave office after his conviction?

What aren’t my reasons for running?
I am not running to seek higher office. I have no desire to use this City Council run as stepping – stone to another office. My sole focus is Mount Vernon. If I can improve Mount Vernon government, I will have achieved my goal.
I am not running for the money. These past two years have been very difficult for our community: COVID, an economic downturn, food insecurity. I believe people should be involved in their community and my running for office is my contribution to my neighbors. I’ve pledge that if I am fortunate enough to be elected, I will donate my entire City salary to community organizations for my entire term. Examples of these organizations are food banks, senior’s programs, violence reduction programs and the like.
What Can You Do?
If my positions resonate with you, I ask you to do three things:
  1. I need to get the word out about my campaign. Can you put my lawn sign on your front yard? If so, I would love to stop by and introduce myself.
  2. Vote for me on June 22, 2021. Right now, there are a dozen candidates for three seats. Two incumbents are running for re-election. I’ll need over 2,000 votes to win, and every vote counts. I need your vote!
  3. Please take my survey here. I want to hear your ideas. I will publish the results of the surveys so you can see what your neighbors are thinking.

Thank you.
Gregory Cannata
I want to hear your ideas.
Democrat for Mount Vernon City Council |

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