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Friday, January 22, 2021

Yonkers Insider: Senators Harckham & Mayer Host Tribute to Assemblyman David Buchwald.


For Immediate Release: Friday, January 22, 2021

Senators Harckham & Mayer Host Tribute to Assemblyman David Buchwald. 

Click here to watch a recording of the event. 

Westchester, NY -- On Thursday, January 21st, Senators Pete Harckham and Shelley B. Mayer hosted a tribute to Assemblyman David Buchwald, and they were joined by a number of local elected officials and organizational advocates in thanking the departing lawmaker for his public service.

Assemblyman Buchwald served in the NY State Assembly for eight years, where he championed integrity in government and fought tirelessly on behalf of his constituents. Assemblyman Buchwald’s major achievements include:
  • An amendment to the New York State Constitution to enable courts to strip taxpayer-funded government pensions from officials found guilty of corruption related to their public duties;
  • Sponsoring and passing legislation that enabled Congress to have access to the New York State tax returns of top elected officials, including former President Donald Trump; and
  • Being a founding member of United Westchester, a group of local, county, state and federal officials demanding better storm responses from area utilities, an effort that still continues, as the group released a report on this past August’s Tropical Storm Isaias.

Among the notable anecdotes shared at the tribute were reminders of Assemblyman Buchwald’s at times contentious relationship with utility providers, as he persistently advocated for better service and storm response on behalf of his constituents. 

Assemblyman Buchwald was presented with a New York State Senate Commendation Award and proclamation from Senators Harckham and Mayer. 

Assemblyman David Buchwald said, “Serving the people of my Assembly District and the State of New York was a supreme honor. To have colleagues in government, advocates, and friends come together in recognition of all we collectively accomplished was very touching. I tremendously thank Senators Mayer and Harckham for organizing a wonderful evening.”

Senator Shelley B. Mayer said, “I’ve had a close working relationship with David for many years. We sat next to each other when I served in the Assembly as part of the Democratic Conference, and I am proud to call him a colleague and a friend. David is an incredibly courageous, dedicated, and hardworking legislator. You can always count on David to take on hard battles in the legislature and stick with the issue until there is a resolution that can be adopted by both chambers. I will miss working with him in Albany, and I look forward to seeing what he will do next.” 

Senator Pete Harckham said, “I wish David Buchwald all the best in his future endeavors, and thank him for his service to the residents of Westchester and New York in whole. David truly exemplified the best qualities of a public servant, and his dedication and honesty were appreciated by all. I enjoyed working with him over the years and could rely on him for good ideas and strong support on issues that mattered. Again, thank you, David!”

Westchester County Executive George Latimer said, “David Buchwald was an exemplary public servant – but is an even more exemplary person. Working with David, I always knew he would be a knowledgeable, fierce advocate on behalf of his cause – and the people he represented were better because of it. I join with my colleagues in government in saluting David on his time serving the people and wish him best in all of his future endeavors.”

Assemblyman Chris Burdick, 93rd District, said, “David Buchwald’s legacy as a member of the New York State Assembly will be his impeccable character, integrity, and compassion which guided him through his years of service. He cares deeply for his community, especially those most vulnerable in society.”

White Plains Mayor, Tom Roach, said, "I have worked with David for many years, first at the City level and then during his time as a member of the State Assembly. Throughout that time he has been a dedicated advocate for the City of White Plains and its residents, as well as a valuable partner in government. But more than that, he has been a friend. I look forward to working with him in new ways and know that he will continue to make an impact in whatever he chooses to do."

Bedford Town Supervisor, Maryann Carr, said, “David, I hope you find another place in government—government needs you. We need your character, integrity and dedication in government”

North Castle Town Supervisor, Michael Schiliro, said, “David was a consummate professional and elected official who separated politics from governing effortlessly and strove to simply serve his constituency in the most genuine manner.”  

Pound Ridge Supervisor, Kevin Hansen, said, “I’m very appreciative of all of the support David has provided to the residents of Pound Ridge. He has been a tremendous public servant and we wish him the best on his the next step in his professional journey. 

Westchester-Putnam Central Labor Body President, Tom Carey, said, “Assemblyman David Buchwald has been a sincere advocate to the working men and women in his district. As a labor leader in Westchester County, I’m proud to call him my friend. Whenever called upon with a Labor issue, David would discuss the matter, stand on picket lines, rally with workers and fight for good paying, safe jobs.”

Political Co-Chair Sierra Club Atlantic Chapter, Edward Berry, said, “Public Servant, a somewhat old fashioned term, is what comes to mind when I think of David Buchwald. He sought public office to serve his constituents, the public. He desired to solve problems, to bring people together: in short, to serve the common good. I could speak at length about his unprecedented 100% environmental record year after year. Or perhaps, his single minded determination to keep Tesla electric vehicles and their family supporting jobs viable and in His district , when the Albany power brokers thought differently. But let me just say that he demonstrated courage, determination and intelligence in everything he did. We will be hearing from him again.”

Common Cause/NY Executive Director, Susan Lerner, said “David Buchwald is a fearless advocate for government reform, spearheading crucial pieces of legislation — including forcing Trump to disclose his taxes — that put the voter first. He will be missed in the Assembly, and I hope to continue to work with him as he starts his next chapter."

CWA 1103 Secretary/Treasurer, Joe Mayhew, said, “Because of his dedication and support to the CWA Local 1103 Membership, CWA is proud to call Assemblyman David Buchwald a friend, an ally and our brother. We wish David the best of luck, the deepest of thanks and our most sincere respect for the work he has performed in public service for working families and the labor movement. 

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