New Yonkers City Clerk's Office Ad.

New Yonkers City Clerk's Office Ad.
Yonkers City Clerk's Office - Yonkers City Clerk Vincent Spano.

Business AD: Henry Djonbalaj Real Estate LLC: Henry Djonbalaj: Licensed Real Estate Broker.

Business AD: Henry Djonbalaj Real Estate LLC: Henry Djonbalaj: Licensed Real Estate Broker.
Henry Djonbalaj Real Estate LLC.

Sunday, January 31, 2021

Yonkers Insider: Election 2021 Desk: Yonkers Insider 2021 Election Analysis: Will 2021 in Yonkers Race, be the Year of the Woman in races for Yonkers City Council President, Yonkers City Council and Westchester County Legislator Races.

There are many Women Challengers running in Yonkers running this year in Races for Westchester County Legislator, Yonkers City Council and also Yonkers City Council President as well. It begs the question, will it be the Year of the Woman in 2021 in Elections in our City of Hills in Yonkers?

These Woman Challengers in Yonkers Races are the Following: Lakisha Collins-Bellamy for Yonkers City Council President, Crystil Suazo and Zafiro Acevedo running for Yonkers City Council in the 2nd District against Yonkers City Council Majority Leader Corazon Pineda Issac, Stella Schwuchow for Yonkers City Council in the 
6th District and Dwanita Crosby for Westchester County Legislator in the 16th District.

Yonkers Insider will continue to inform our readers of the progress of these Women Candidates in Yonkers in the 2021 Election Cycle.

The Only Woman running that was nominated at the Recent Yonkers Democratic Party Nominating Convention was Yonkers City Council Majority Leader Corazon Pineda Issac of the 2nd District.

Keep coming back to Yonkers Insider for the most In Depth Coverage 2021 Elections in Yonkers, Westchester County, Mount Vernon and Greenburgh as well.

This Analysis is the View and Opinion of Yonkers Insider Newspaper.

Yonkers Insider Newspaper Publisher Delfim Heusler

Black Westchester Magazine: 3-Day Nor-Easter – Snow Advisory, Alternate Parking & Garbage Collection Suspensions in Westchester.


3-Day Nor-Easter – Snow Advisory, Alternate Parking & Garbage Collection Suspensions in Westchester | Black Westchester Magazine

Yonkers Insider: Election 2021 Desk: Lakisha Collins-Bellamy, Democrat for Yonkers City Council President.


Join the team to elect Lakisha Collins-Bellamy the first African-American person and first Woman of Color to the office of Yonkers Council President. For more information send a message or sign up on the website #lakishaforyonkers #FromYonkersForYonkers

From The News Desk Of Brian Harrod: YONKERS NEWSWIRE Heavy snow expected In Yonkers.


From The News Desk Of Brian Harrod.... YONKERS NEWSWIRE Heavy snow expected In Yonkers Total snow accumulations of 14 to 18 inches. Winds gusting as high as 45 mph. From Sunday January 31st till 6 AM Tuesday February 2nd. Travel could be very difficult to impossible. The hazardous conditions could impact the morning and evening commute. Gusty winds could bring down tree branches. Blizzard like conditions possible Monday and Monday evening. IMPORTANT NUMBERS: Yonkers Police Non-emergency: 914-377-7900 Con Ed Emergency: 1-800-752-6633 Mayors Help Line: 914-377-4357 Storm Preparedness & Safety Tips BEFORE THE STORM STRIKES: Preparation makes life easier during power interruptions. If a severe storm has been forecast, consider these suggestions: - Have flashlights, a battery-operated radio or television and fresh batteries handy. - If you must use candles, please be careful and keep them far away from children and flammable materials. - Store adequate supplies of non-perishable food that need not be refrigerated. - Make sure you have a manual can opener. - Have bottled water for drinking and cooking. - If an electric pump supplies your water, fill bathtubs and other containers to ensure there is adequate water for washing and toilets. - Set freezer and refrigerator controls to their coldest setting to extend the length of time the food will keep. - Unplug sensitive electronic equipment – televisions, microwave ovens and computers – that could be damaged by lightning or sudden power surges. - Have a working telephone. Note: Cordless and digital phones will probably not work during a power interruption. Ensure your cell phone is fully charged. - Know how to manually operate your garage door if you have an electric garage door opener. - If someone in your home depends on life-sustaining equipment powered by electricity, call ConEd and let them know. It’s your responsibility to provide an emergency power source during any unplanned power interruption. - You should also have a back-up evacuation plan. IF YOUR POWER IS INTERRUPTED: - Check with your neighbors to see if their power is out. If it isn’t, double check your own circuit breakers or fuse box to ensure you haven’t simply blown a fuse or tripped a breaker. - If power is out to your neighborhood, call ConEd. - Listen to the radio for weather and news updates. (If you don’t have a battery-powered radio, briefly use your car radio.) - Turn off all major appliances, such as air conditioners, electric water heaters, water pumps, refrigerators and freezers.Otherwise circuits may overload when repair crews restore your service. Some appliances have “off” settings or need to be unplugged. You can turn others off by removing the proper fuse or turning off the correct circuit breaker. Leave a light turned on so that you will know when power is restored. - Avoid “peeking” into your refrigerator or freezer. If the door is kept shut, food will stay cold or frozen longer. - Stay far away and tell others to stay away from downed power lines. Even lines that look harmless may be extremely dangerous. Call ConEd and 911 immediately to report any downed lines. - NEVER enter a flooded basement. Call ConEd immediately about what must be done to safely restore service to your home, don’t ever attempt to do it yourself. - ConEd is responsible for repairs from the utility pole to the connectionat your home. You are responsible for any repairs from the connection to the meter. If you suspect damage between the connection and the meter, call a licensed electrician so that repairs can be made before our crews attempt to restore your service. - NEVER use a natural gas oven for heating and never use charcoal indoors for cooking or heating. In either case, carbon monoxide poisoning could occur. - During an extended power interruption, stay at another location (with a relative, friend, or neighbor who has electricity). You may want to consider going to a hotel or an emergency shelter. - To avoid hypothermia, wear layers of clothes and a hat. Use blankets. Hypothermia, caused by exposure to cold, lowers your body temperature and can seriously threaten your health. Infants and the elderly are especially at risk. Warning signs of hypothermia include slurred speech, drowsiness and disorientation. - If you use an alternate-heating source, such as a fireplace, wood stove or kerosene heater, be sure to provide adequate ventilation. Otherwise, carbon monoxide poisoning could occur. - NEVER burn trash or plastic. Burn only seasoned wood in a fireplace. - Use a fireplace screen. Keep the damper open. - Shut doors to unused rooms and close the drapes to retain heat. - Let water trickle from faucets to avoid frozen or burst pipes. - Clear snow and ice away from dryer and other appliance vents. - Check on your neighbors, especially if they are elderly and live alone. IF YOU USE A GENERATOR: - Operate your generator outdoors in a clean, dry, well-ventilated area, and never indoors or in a garage. - Make sure all electrical connections comply with National Electric Code. - Never connect a generator to an existing wiring system without an automatic transfer switch. - Never overload your generator with too many appliances. - Never let children play near a generator. Once your service has been restored, you should: - Turn appliances on one at a time to avoid overloading your circuits. - Reset your refrigerator and freezer controls to normal. - Replenish your home’s emergency supplies. If your neighbors get their power back, but you don’t, call us to report it. - As power is restored, it may take some time for our system to return to normal. Trees weakened by the storm may fall resulting in additional power interruptions. MORE INFO: Top 10 Cold Weather Safety Tips From the American Red Cross: 1. Layer up! Wear layers of lightweight clothing to stay warm. Gloves and a hat will help prevent losing your body heat. 2. Don’t forget your furry friends. Bring pets indoors. If they can’t come inside, make sure they have enough shelter to keep them warm and that they can get to unfrozen water. 3. Remember the three feet rule. If you are using a space heater, place it on a level, hard surface and keep anything flammable at least three feet away – things such as paper, clothing, bedding, curtains or rugs. 4. Requires supervision – Turn off space heaters and make sure fireplace embers are out before leaving the room or going to bed 5. Don’t catch fire! If you are using a fireplace, use a glass or metal fire screen large enough to catch sparks and rolling logs. 6. Protect your pipes. Run water, even at a trickle, to help prevent your pipes from freezing. Open the kitchen and bathroom cabinet doors to allow warmer air to circulate around the plumbing. Be sure to move any harmful cleaners and household chemicals out of the reach of children. Keep the garage doors closed if there are water lines in the garage. 7. Better safe than sorry. Keep the thermostat at the same temperature day and night. Your heating bill may be a little higher, but you could avoid a more costly repair job if your pipes freeze and burst. 8. The kitchen is for cooking. Never use a stove or oven to heat your home. 9. Use generators outside. Never operate a generator inside the home, including in the basement or garage. 10. Knowledge is power. Don’t hook a generator up to the home’s wiring. The safest thing to do is to connect the equipment you want to power directly to the outlets on the generator.

Yonkers Insider: Yonkers Public Schools Closed on Monday for a Snow Day, Except School 17.


From The Yonkers Desk Of Brian Harrod.... PARKING REGULATIONS: suspended due to incoming snow storm.


From The Yonkers Desk Of Brian Harrod.... PARKING REGULATIONS: suspended due to incoming snow storm. YONKERS: Parking regulation suspended for Monday and Tuesday but meter regulations are in effect. For additional details call 914-377-4357 if you want to hear the details it's a recorded message.

Yonkers Insider: Storm News from Westchester County.

UPDATED 8:30 pm Sunday.

With the snow coming here’s what Westchester County is responsible for:
• The Airport
The Airport will stay open: we will keep runways clear. No expected commercial flights; perhaps a very few private general aviation arrivals or takeoffs. Will close it only if absolutely necessary
• Bee Line Bus System
Operating on a normal Monday service schedule for the morning rush hour ONLY. All service - Bee Line and ParaTransit - will cease at 10 am and will not resume for the rest of the day. NO RETURN SERVICE for the evening rush hour.
• Policing the Parkways
County Police will have extra patrols out on the Hutch, Saw Mill, Cross County, Bronx River Pkwy to assist stranded motorists. Don’t drive if you don’t have to.
• COVID Vaccines
County Center is closed Monday; all who held appointments will be contacted with new dates
County Health Clinic in WPlains is closed; no appointments were scheduled for Monday in anticipation of the storm
• Bronx River Parkway
The County is responsible for the plowing of the BRP and the Grasslands Campus in Valhalla - all other roads and streets fall under local or State authority. We will keep the BPR clear once snow reaches 3” but it may be closed at times and in sections to deal with accumulations.
We also plow our County Parks and Office bldg parking lots, which includes Playland. They are a lower priority than the public plowing we are tasked with.
• Homeless Shelters
The County DSS is tasked with protecting the homeless population and they will be out to ensure they are inside shelters during this frigid blizzard
• County Offices
All County Offices are closed on Monday; workers who are not tasked with emergency or related services will work from home
• Emergency Operations Center
The EOC will operate overnight tonight and throughout the storm to coordinate efforts between the County, utilities and other essential entities
Watch our website for news and updates as the storm progresses

Westchester County Executive George Latimer

Brian Harrod of Yonkers Newswire: YONKERS GUY: Yonkers native Antony "Tony" Blinken, a longtime confidant and aide of the new president, was approved by the Senate with a 78-22 bipartisan vote this week.


YONKERS GUY: Yonkers native Antony "Tony" Blinken, a longtime confidant and aide of the new president, was approved by the Senate with a 78-22 bipartisan vote this week. From 2009 to 2013, Tony Blinken was the Deputy Assistant to the President and National Security Advisor to the Vice President, where he was tasked with helping to craft foreign policy in the Middle East and address the Iranian nuclear program. Tony Blinken said in a statement that challenges the administration face include the COVID-19 pandemic, threats to democracy, climate change, security risks, and the fight for racial justice.

Brian Harrod: THANKS TRUMP: If You Thought The Republican Party In Yonkers Was in Bad Shape, Then You Had Better Look At This.


THANKS TRUMP: If You Thought The Republican Party In Yonkers Was in Bad Shape, Then You Had Better Look At This..... 2021 ELECTIONS: The Westchester County Republican Party Is On Life Support.... GOP DINOSAURS: Eastchester Supervisor Tony Colavita and Yorktown Supervisor Matt Slater Be Next HE"S OUT OF HERE: Harrison Mayor-Supervisor Ron Belmont Is Joining Other Republican, Who are Exiting The Political Stage That Has Turned Blue In Westchester County HARRISON NY: Ron Belmont, who defeated Mayor Joan Walsh in 2011, and has served as Mayor-Supervisor since will not be seeking another term. Ron Belmont is one of only three remaining local republican leaders in their Westchester communities. Eastchester Supervisor Tony Colavita and Yorktown Supervisor Matt Slater are the two remaining Westchester republicans leaders in office. Ron Belmont was a registered Independent for a long time before switching to the republican party. Harrison Councilman Rich Dionisio will be running for Mayor Democrat Councilman Frank Gordon, who ran against Belmont two years ago, is the leading democrat rumored to be reading to run again. Westchester County Republicans, don’t have a candidate to run against County Executive George Latimer and don’t have a single member on the County Board of Legislators. Last year the Republican candidate for DA dropped out of the race.

Greenburgh Insider: Town of Greenburgh Update: Snow clearing plans for tonight.

Plans for tonight's snow removal efforts ---we will work hard to keep you and your family safe and our roads in as good a condition as possible

Our snow emergency plans for tonight....Every snow storm has different challenges. We're going to try hard to do a good job keeping you and your family safe and our roads passable. Please keep in mind that we have 140 miles of roads, 2 miles of sidewalks that the town maintains and five facilities. 

Latest Forecast: Steadier snow arrives 6pm to 9 pm tonight with rates between 1.0” -2.0” per hour beginning tomorrow morning. Storm totals in the 14” to 20” range mostly occurring on Monday.


Snow Emergency Response Plan – January 31, 2021:

·         Bureau of Highway – early evening start to load salt spreaders, pre-treat roadways and plow as necessary

o   Water and Sewer Department to provide 2 additional plow trucks in support of Highway operations

o   Parks and Recreation to provide 3 additional plow trucks beginning at 12am in support of Highway operations

·         Bureau of Equipment and Repair – early evening start to support Bureau of Highway operations

·         Building Maintenance – 3:00 am start on Monday, Feb. 1, 2021 to begin snow removal at Town Facilities

·         Parks and Recreation – 3:00 am start on Monday, Feb. 1, 2021 to begin snow removal on pedestrian sidewalks

·         Bureau of Sanitation – Residential and commercial sanitation collections are suspended tomorrow, Feb. 1, 2021. Normal start time for Sanitation staff tomorrow, Feb. 1, 2021 to support Bureau of Highway, and Parks and Recreation with snow removal on streets and sidewalks.

·         Greenburgh Police Department – Reverse 911 call to be sent out advising of Snow Emergency and cancellation of Sanitation collections for Feb. 1, 2021. Virtual Message Boards to be placed on East Hartsdale Road advising of Snow Emergency.  Keep your cars off the road!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1


Paul Feiner - Greenburgh Town Supervisor

Yonkers Insider: Election 2021 Desk: Yonkers City Council Majority Leader Corazon Pineda Issac 2nd District Fundraiser.


Black Westchester Magazine: Tasha Young Attempts To Make History As Greenburgh’s First Black And First Female Town Supervisor.


Tasha Young Attempts To Make History As Greenburgh’s First Black And First Female Town Supervisor | Black Westchester Magazine

Black Westchester Magazine: Black Lives Matter Receives 2021 Nobel Peace Prize Nomination.


Black Lives Matter Receives 2021 Nobel Peace Prize Nomination | Black Westchester Magazine.

Black Westchester Magazine: Mount Vernon – Divided We Stand!!!


Mount Vernon – Divided We Stand!!! | Black Westchester Magazine.

Black Westchester Magazine: Vivian McKenzie Makes History As First African-American Woman to be nominated for Mayor of Peekskill.

Vivian McKenzie Makes History As First African-American Woman to be nominated for Mayor of Peekskill | Black Westchester Magazine.

Yonkers Insider: City of Yonkers Beat.


***Parking Regulations Update***

Due to the projected inclement weather,

🛑 Alternate side of the street parking is suspended Monday, February 1st and Tuesday, February 2nd.

🛑 Parking Meter Regulations are still in effect.

Christian news stories and information updated daily from Roundup Newswires News Network: Editor Brian Harrod fair, honest, and faith-based reporting.

CHRISTIAN NEWS HEADLINES: Your source for the latest Christian news and religion news headlines from the United States and the world.

Rely on Christian News Headlines for breaking Christian news headlines. news and current events analysis from a biblical perspective Christian news stories and information updated daily from Roundup Newswires News Network. Editor Brian Harrod fair, honest, and faith-based reporting. Quality news from a Christian perspective.

Greenburgh Insider: Town of Greenburgh Beat: if you have an appointment Monday or Tuesday at county center go today.

We have just been told that if you have an appointment Monday or Tuesday at the County Center you can go anytime today due to the storm. The County Center is open until 7pm - you should get there before 6 p.m.

Greenburgh Insider: Update from Town of Greenburgh: New News Flash snow emergency- cars off streets, probable cancellation of garbage/recycling tomorrow.


Snow advisory--- cars off streets.   PROBABLE suspension of garbage, recycling pickup tomorrow The snow storm that is predicted for later tonight and tomorrow is expected to be a big one. 

I just got off the phone with the Police Chief, Chris McNerney who advises that a snow emergency is being declared for the next three nights --Sunday to Monday, Monday to Tuesday and Tuesday to Wednesday. 

As a result, ALL CARS MUST BE OFF THE STREETS. Parking is prohibited at all metered parking spaces on E Hartsdale Ave and Columbia Ave between the overnight hours of 1 AM and 6 AM. Residents are reminded that limited parking will be available at the Webb Field parking lot on N Central Ave. 

Vehicles found parked in violation of the snow Emergency ordinance are subject to a fine of up to $500 and vehicles may be removed from the roadway. All residents that have been issued hardship overnight parking exemptions are also prohibited from parking their vehicles on any town road.

Greenburgh Town Supervisor Paul Feiner

Yonkers Insider: Westchester County Media Advisory: 2/1 - 2PM - County Executive George Latimer to Give Covid-19 Briefing.



 County Executive George Latimer to Give Covid-19 Briefing.

 Westchester County Covid-19 Dashboard can be viewed here:

 Mobile Friendly Version of Westchester County Covid-19 Dashboard can be viewed here:

 Monday, February 1 - 2 p.m.

Watch on


*County Executive Latimer will be available for follow up interviews via Zoom or Phone*

Yonkers Insider Weather Center: Winter Storm on the Way to Yonkers.


Source: AccuWeather Alerts.



National Weather Service New York NY

344 AM EST Sun Jan 31 2021


* WHAT...Heavy snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 14 to 18 inches. Winds gusting as high as 45 mph.

* WHERE...Portions of northeast New Jersey and southeast New York.

* WHEN...From 7 PM this evening to 6 AM EST Tuesday.

* IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult to impossible. The hazardous conditions could impact the morning and evening
commute. Gusty winds could bring down tree branches. 

* ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Blizzard like conditions possible Monday and Monday evening.


If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency.

Check local Department of Transportation information services for the latest road conditions.

For more information from the National Weather Service visit

Saturday, January 30, 2021

Yonkers Insider: Yonkers City Hall Beat: Update from City of Yonkers.


Important Updates| Due to weather predictions, our city street maintenance crews are currently putting brine down throughout the city until Tuesday afternoon.
⚈ To complete this city wide process, the recycling center and organic yard will be closed and personnel will be included in helping to brine the streets.

⚈ Street sweeping will be cancelled on Monday and Tuesday.

⚈ The collection of curbside garbage on Monday and Tuesday will continue as scheduled.

City of Yonkers: Public Hearing Notice - Fernbrook Street 3.25.2025 at 6:30 p.m.

City of Yonkers: Public Hearing Notice - Fernbrook Street 3.25.2025 at 6:30 p.m. Yonkers City Clerk's Office.