This week's City Council Rules Committee Meeting was held today, Tuesday, November 17, 2020.
The following items were on this evening's agenda:
Items Introduced by City Council Members:
OLD BUSINESS - By the administration- Special Ordinance – Bond Ordinance of the COY authorizing funding for the Nepperhan Avenue Watermain Redundancy Project; stating the estimated maximum cost thereof is $5,000,000; appropriating said amount thereof and authorizing the issuance of bonds of said city in the principal amount of not to exceed $5,000,000 to finance said appropriation. (Neutral Fiscal Impact.) (All Council members.) (Moved to Budget Committee for further discussion)
- By the Administration- Resolution – State Environmental Quality Review Act for Water Capital Projects in and for the City of Yonkers. (No Fiscal Impact.) (All Council members.) (Moved to Budget Committee for further discussion)
- By the Administration - Special Ordinance – Bond of the City of Yonkers, New York authorizing funding for water system improvements and new water bureau monitoring stations; stating the estimated maximum cost thereof is $3,000,000. (Neutral Fiscal Impact.) (All Council members.) (Moved to Budget Committee for further discussion)
- By Councilmember Williams - A Local Law Creating a new Chapter 52 of the Code of The City of Yonkers entitled “Building Energy Benchmarking Requirements” (Moved to Environmental Committee for further discussion by a 4-3 roll call vote)
NEW BUSINESS - By Councilmember Williams- A Resolution of the Council of the City of Yonkers Calling On The Charter Revision Commission To Consider The Creation Of A “Public Advocate Office” (Moved to Legislation & Codes for further discussion)
- By Council member Williams-A Resolution Of The City Council Of Yonkers Urging Mayor Spano And His Administration To Recognize June 19th As “Juneteenth’ As An Official Holiday And Allow City Employees To Observe The Holiday With Paid Time Off, Similar To Employees Of New York State (Moved to Budget Committee for further discussion)
- By Council member Rubbo- A Resolution Of The City Council Of Yonkers Requesting Mayor Spano And His Administration To Consider And Evaluate The Implementation Of School Zone Speed Cameras (Moved to Education Committee for further discussion)
- Commissioner of Deeds - On Council Agenda of November 24, 2020
Items introduced by the Administration:
Note: Items #1-9 will be held in Rules Committee until re-introductions are made of those being reappointed for the Planning Board, the Parks, Recreation, and Conservation Board and the Zoning Board of Appeals, which will be done during the next two consecutive Rules Committee meetings.
- Resolution - advice and consent to the reappointment of Adelia Landi to the Planning Board. (No Fiscal Impact).
- Resolution - advice and consent to the reappointment of John Larkin to the Planning Board. (No Fiscal Impact).
- Resolution - advice and consent to the reappointment of Mackenzie Forsberg to the Planning Board. (No Fiscal Impact).
- Resolution - advice and consent to the reappointment of Geraldine Esposito to the Parks, Recreation and Conservation Board. (No Fiscal Impact).
- Resolution - advice and consent to the reappointment of Donald Weigand to the Parks, Recreation and Conservation Board. (No Fiscal Impact).
- Resolution - advice and consent to the reappointment of Bobbie Flower-Cox to the Parks, Recreation and Conservation Board. (No Fiscal Impact).
- Resolution - advice and consent to the reappointment of Michael Gillan to the Planning Board. (No Fiscal Impact).
- Resolution - advice and consent to the reappointment of Vincent Giorgio to the Zoning Board of Appeals. (No Fiscal Impact).
- Resolution - advice and consent to the reappointment of Maysoon Rabaa to the Landmarks Preservation Board. (No Fiscal Impact).
- Local Law - authorizing the lease of certain city properties for Solar Energy. (Positive Fiscal Impact). (All Council members). (Moved to Environmental Committee for further discussion)
- Resolution - approving the assignment of that certain agreement between the City of Yonkers and Herriot Street Housing, L.P. to Hudson Valley Property Group LLC (Moved to Budget Committee for further discussion)
I encourage Yonkers city residents to keep up with these items to stay current on what is happening in our city!
As a friendly reminder, City Council meetings will continue to be held virtually for the time being. Tune in via the City Council Facebook page, City Hall TV (accessible via the City of Yonkers website), Optimum channel 78, or Verizon Fios channel 39. |
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