Dear Friends and Neighbors,
An update for those who live in Katonah, or frequent the Katonah business district. Work continues to move forward on the Jay Street grade crossing in Katonah. This is an issue which I first started working on shortly after coming into office, and which more recently received community attention in the Record Review with a Guest Column by Mindy Yanish (January), and then on Social Media. After several years of effort, including several zoom meetings and an on-line safety presentation by Metro-North, our efforts are finally bearing fruit.
Meeting with Supervisor Burdick, Bedford Town engineer Kevin Winn, Bedford Planner Jeff Osterman, a representative from State Senator Shelley Mayer’s office, representatives from: Metro-North, NYCDEP, NYSDOT, and Kitley Covill
Metro-North, working two weekends, recently upgraded the crossing with a smoother surface and new concrete crossing pads. (One resident recently called these changes “Magical” on social media.) The Town painted safety markings and Metro-North will also be installing delineators later this year. The railroad crew also relocated power and signal equipment to make way for a future pedestrian space on the north side of the crossing. That area is being prepared for a new pedestrian crossing over the tracks, protected by state of the art pedestrian crossing safety technology, including alerts and an emergency exit for anyone stuck on the sidewalk as a train comes through. The NYS DOT has funding available, and the Town, DOT and Metro-North are working out the timing and access to that money. We are optimistic that a proper pedestrian crossing is in Katonah’s not-too-distant future.
Pictures of the grade crossing as of June 2020, highlighting MetroNorth’s work
In addition, the Town of Bedford drafted plans in 2008 to move the current train lot (lot one) entrance east, and create a left turning lane into that new entrance to increase safety and keep eastbound traffic moving over the tracks. The new entrance would eliminate the backup that sometimes occurs due to the location of the current lot entrance. My office, DOT, DEP and Town of Bedford are actively discussing implementation of the 2008 plan and all of our offices are committed to keeping this project on the front burner and finding funding streams for these improvements.
With many partners at the table working towards the same goal, safety for our residents, things are getting done!
Conceptual Draft included pedestrian walkway, provided by MetroNorth
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