New Yonkers City Clerk's Office Ad.

New Yonkers City Clerk's Office Ad.
Yonkers City Clerk's Office - Yonkers City Clerk Vincent Spano.

Business AD: Henry Djonbalaj Real Estate LLC: Henry Djonbalaj: Licensed Real Estate Broker.

Business AD: Henry Djonbalaj Real Estate LLC: Henry Djonbalaj: Licensed Real Estate Broker.
Henry Djonbalaj Real Estate LLC.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Demopublican Buster: Part 1.

Demopublican Buster: Part 1.

Felons Fakes and Frauds. The Beginning of our Series on the Swamp.

Zehy Jereis has a history of manipulating our election process and has a history of election fraud. Don't forget he pled guilty to election fraud in 1998 with Conservative party petitions. Zehy doesn't care about the integrity and Ethics of our Elections. He only cares about his power and greed that
 he can profit from  in his many bad acts that he has done throughout the years. Enough is Enough! Someone needs to stand up and expose him and his dirty acts and the Demopublican Buster and Yonkers Insider Newspaper will do that job.

We have always written the truth for the last sixteen years.  The truth matters to us. Zehy Jereis days of deceit and lies in our Political system must come to an end and we must halt his reign of Corruption in destroying the very fabric of our Elections and political system in Yonkers.

Zehy Jereis should not have a role in our Elections and in our government. Voters Beware! Let's go out and vote against Zehy Jereis candidates. Any candidate or elected official who associates with this man, we will expose to everyone and name names.

Why do we always hear one name when it comes to dirty backroom deals and why do all roads always lead back to Zehy Jereis the Political Enforcer and the king of Corruption.

Zehy's crooked ways got him into positions of Chair of Yonkers GOP, worked at Yonkers Chamber of Commerce, Westchester County Clerks office, Westchester County Board of Elections and $5,000 no show job at Forest City Ratner. Forest City Ratner didn't do a background check on Zehy and his checkered past. Shame on Forest City Ratner. It's time to put an end to Zehy's devastation in our City of Hills. Demopublican Buster and Yonkers Insider Newspaper embrace and look forward to this battle against Zehy Jereis and his Goon Squad and his Posse. Game on!

This is the view and opinion of the Demopublican Buster.

Demopublican Buster

We will name names in this series on the Swamp. We will expose the history of Zehy Jereis and his ongoing history of Corruption and him as a puppeteer and his puppets who he controls.

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Yonkers Insider: Promotions: Edward Mevec for New York State Supreme Court Justice - 9th Judicial District - Campaign Website.

Campaign Website:   Campaign of Edward Mevec for New York State Supreme Court Justice.