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Yonkers City Clerk's Office - Yonkers City Clerk Vincent Spano.

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Business AD: Henry Djonbalaj Real Estate LLC: Henry Djonbalaj: Licensed Real Estate Broker.
Henry Djonbalaj Real Estate LLC.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

YONKERS TRIBUNE >>> IN MEMORIAM: John Simon, Theater and Film Critic, Who wrote for Publishers Hezi Aris’ Yonkers Tribune and Sam Zherka’s Westchester Guardian Has Died At Age 94.

YONKERS TRIBUNE >>> IN MEMORIAM: John Simon, Theater and Film Critic, Who wrote for Publishers Hezi Aris’ Yonkers Tribune and Sam Zherka’s Westchester Guardian Has Died At Age 94

BRIAN HARROD: John Simon known for his lacerating reviews and often withering assessment of performers’ physical appearance has passed.
LOWER THE CURTAIN: John Simon died Sunday night, November 24,2019 at Westchester Medical Center.
ACID-TONGUED CRITIC: John Simon served as the chief theater critic at “New York” magazine for nearly 40 years before being dismissed in 2005.
He then worked at “Bloomberg” for five years before being fired in 2010.
Later his tart and curmudgeonly were featured in Westchester publications; the Yonkers Tribune and the Westchester Guardian.
He also reviewed for New York’s WNET Channel 13, but was forced out, because the station considered his notices misanthropic.
”Time” magazine called Simon “the most poisonous pen on Broadway.”
He once compared Kathleen Turner to “a braying mantis.”
One actress fought back, Sylvia Miles dumped a plate of pasta on his head when she encountered him in a restaurant...... Please Read More Of The Yonkers Tribune Article Here: ### Brian Harrod is the publisher and editor of the news website, which powers the hyper local Yonkers Newswire news and social media pages. You can learn more about Mr. Harrod at 

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