June 28, 2019
Dear Friends,
Here is hoping all is well. This weekend is New York City's Annual-International Pride March, Parade, and Festival! To everyone from Yonkers who will be going and representing our city at this weekend's NYC Pride, please be safe and aware of your surroundings (NYC Pride can get very hectic and there will be thousands of people in attendance), and remember to enjoy yourselves. Pride is a celebration of love and the achievements of those from the LGBT+ community who fought to make sure New York City had a Pride parade and march every year.
America will also be celebrating it's 243 year of independence from the British Empire next Thursday. So this 4th of July, let's practice the principles of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness upon which our country was founded and show those newer to life in America that over those 243 years of independence, we haven't forgotten what those principles written on the Declaration of Independence mean.
*As the weather warms up, remember to stay hydrated at all times and stay cool if you will be spending time outside.*
Best Wishes,
Majority Leader Michael Sabatino
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