New Yonkers City Clerk's Office Ad.

New Yonkers City Clerk's Office Ad.
Yonkers City Clerk's Office - Yonkers City Clerk Vincent Spano.

Business AD: Henry Djonbalaj Real Estate LLC: Henry Djonbalaj: Licensed Real Estate Broker.

Business AD: Henry Djonbalaj Real Estate LLC: Henry Djonbalaj: Licensed Real Estate Broker.
Henry Djonbalaj Real Estate LLC.

Monday, January 31, 2022

Yonkers Insider: Statement from Yonkers GOP.


Senator Andrea Stewart-Cousins, we the Yonkers GOP, call on YOU to reform the 2017 Raise the Age law and the 2019 New York bail reform law immediately, before more innocent people get hurt or lose their lives. As the Majority Leader of the New York State Senate, it is your responsibility to protect and serve New Yorkers. When you create laws that allow criminals to be unreasonably released from jail and take away Judges discretion to keep a clear danger to society incarcerated, you become personally accountable for the violent crime of these individuals. You are putting CRIMINALS over CONSTITUENTS!
Criminals with a track record of violent crime and a complete disregard for the law should not be on the street. In fact, the overwhelming majority of violent crimes happening in our state are coming from people whose lengthy criminal records are clear indicators that they will repeatedly break the law. Many of these crimes could have been avoided had they not been released due to the pro-crime legislation.
When creating the criminal justice reform laws, you and your colleagues often said that giving judges more discretion in setting or denying bail would disproportionately affect “black, brown, and poor defendants.” You are failing to recognize that these communities are bearing the brunt of the increase in crime caused by your reform laws.
Some of the reforms we are advocating for are:
- Repeal the privacy provision of "The Raise The Age" law.
- Give judges the power to jail suspects who pose a danger to their community.
- Teens who are caught with an illegal gun will be tried in criminal, not family, court.
- Removing felonies that are applicable for immediate release under the 2019 Bail Reform
As our representative in the New York State Senate, we demand change now. We are prepared to mobilize our voter base to exercise our rights to free speech and protest peacefully and legally. We will campaign against your re-election, as you have proven to be irresponsible. Your priorities do not align with your constituency.
We will not stop until changes are made.





Yonkers Mayor Mike Spano joins Yonkers Fire Department Commissioner Tony Pagano, fire department personnel, and Yonkers Fire Chaplain Father William Cleary on Tuesday, February 1 at 10:00 AM at Fire Station 13 (340 Kimball Avenue Yonkers, 10704) for the unveiling and blessing of a new firetruck for the Yonkers Fire Department.


The City of Yonkers invested $1.2 million to replace an aging truck currently in service. The firetruckwhich is manufactured by the Ferrara Company, features state-of-the-art equipment that is specified for Yonkers’ first responders and unique city landscape. 


Yonkers Insider: Yonkers Police Department: *** PRESS RELEASE *** Yonkers Police Cold Case Detectives solve nine-year old Bronx murder.


*** PRESS RELEASE *** Yonkers Police Cold Case Detectives solve nine-year old Bronx murder.

Yonkers, NY – On Tuesday, September 4th, 2012, at approximately 5:35 PM, members of the Yonkers Police Department responded to the wooded area between Rossmore Avenue and Midland Avenue, adjacent to the Sprain Brook River Parkway, on a report of a suspicious package. Responding officers discovered a decomposing human body wrapped in a garbage bag. Officers cordoned off the area and initiated a criminal investigation.


Detectives from the Major Case Squad and Crime Scene Unit responded to the scene. Investigation yielded that the victim, an adult female, had died from a gunshot wound to the head; she was identified as Pamela Graddick, a 26-year-old resident of the Bronx. Investigators believe that Graddick was killed outside the City of Yonkers and her body was dumped in an effort to conceal the crime. Due to the nature of the incident and absence of local leads, the investigation was transferred to the Cold Case Unit in 2014 for enhancement. Over the next seven years, Cold Case Detectives continuously worked the case, developing and enhancing information, recovering evidence, and maintaining relationships with the victim’s family. A person of interest was identified early on in the investigation; however, it took years of additional case work to develop probable cause, culminating in a confession by the main suspect. On Sunday, January 23rd, 2022, nine years and four months after Graddick was discovered, Detectives charged her then partner with murder.


Wanda VEGUILLA, a 40-year-old resident of the Bronx, was charged with one count of Murder 2, a Class A-I Violent Felony in the New York State Penal Law. Investigators allege, based on evidence and statements made by VEGUILLA, that she shot and killed Graddick in their Bronx apartment as a result of on-going domestic issues between them; at the time, they were in a relationship and living together. Furthermore, Detectives believe that VEGUILLA was assisted by an accomplice who furnished the murder weapon and helped transport the body: John TORRES, a 30-year-old resident of Yonkers, was charged on January 25th with felony Criminal Facilitation, Hindering Prosecution, and Tampering with Evidence in connection with Graddick’s murder.


Commissioner John J. Mueller stated, “The passage of time only reinforces our commitment to solving these heinous crimes. The Yonkers Police prides itself on focusing on victims and their families and doing whatever we can to deliver justice for them. I hope that these arrests bring some degree of closure to Pamela’s family and friends; and I applaud the extraordinary efforts of our Cold Case Detectives in closing out this case after so many years – well done!”


Both VEGUILLA and TORRES were arraigned in Yonkers Criminal Court and remanded to the Westchester County Jail pending their next court appearance. The case is being prosecuted by the Westchester County District Attorney’s Office. Additional information may be released as it becomes available.


The City of Yonkers and Yonkers Police Department extends its deepest sympathies to the family and friends of Pamela Graddick. Furthermore, the City and Department expresses its sincere thanks to the Graddick family for their steadfast support of this investigation throughout the years, and the Westchester County District Attorney’s Office for their professional collaboration.


NOTE: Booking charges are merely accusations and the defendant(s) are presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty in a court of law. 

Yonkers Insider: FGEIS Virtual Town Hall Meeting - February 2, 2022 @ 7 p.m.


I know that a lot of people in our community have had many questions in regards to the Ludlow Final Generic Environmental Impact Statement (FGEIS). As a result, I, along with the Yonkers Deputy Commissioner of Planning, Lee Ellman, have scheduled a FGEIS Virtual Town Hall Meeting to discuss the Ludlow Community Plan and amendments to the City of Yonkers Zoning Code and Zoning Map. Join us this Wednesday, February 2, 2022 at 7pm!

Best regards,
Hon. Corazon Pineda-Isaac
Tel: (914) 377-6312​
Yonkers City Council | 40 S. Broadway, Suite 414
Yonkers, NY 10701

Sunday, January 30, 2022

Yonkers Insider: City of Yonkers: COVID Numbers and Updates.


As of January 26, 2022, the amount of active COVID cases in the City of Yonkers has decreased to 3,175 active cases. As of January 19, 2022, there were 7,317 active cases. Despite the drop, it is important to understand that these are still astronomical numbers with real effects on members of our community. Please vaccinate, get boosted, wear masks, and social distance. Stay safe!

Yonkers Insider: The 65th Yonkers St. Patrick’s Day Parade on McLean Avenue is Back!

The twice-postponed 65th Yonkers St. Patrick’s Day Parade on McLean Avenue will take place this year on McLean Avenue on Saturday, March 19th, 2022. This very successful parade continues the grand tradition of Yonkers honoring our Irish heritage and contributions to the Yonkers community, and Saint Patrick, the Patron Saint of Ireland and the Archdiocese of New York.

Bands and marching units interested in marching in the parade should complete an application at the following URL:

Applications must be approved by the Line of March committee. 

Yonkers Insider: Girls with Impact Program.


There is a free program for girls ages 14 to 18 who are interested in entrepreneurship called Girls with Impact (GWI).  The program serves as a confidence builder, college application differentiator, job/internship interview differentiator and more.

The classes start February 7th and March 7th for the Winter. The program is offered virtually quarterly (Fall, Winter, Spring and Summer).

If you have any questions or would like additional information, please reach out to or 917-853-9842 or Sara Segall, VP for Marketing at Girls With Impact at

Yonkers Insider: City of Yonkers: YPD Buy/Sell Exchange Zone.


The City of Yonkers and Yonkers Police Department designated Safe Exchange Zones at each of the four City Police Precincts. These locations, identified by conspicuous Safe Exchange Zone signs, are located on or adjacent to Police Department property and are under 24-hour video surveillance. As person-to-person internet purchases and transactions become prevalent in modern society, the City of Yonkers and Yonkers Police Department want to ensure the safety of our residents and communities. Residents are encouraged to utilize these locations when meeting an internet contact in person, especially for the first time.
  • 1st Police Precinct – 730 East Grassy Sprain Road – (914) 377-7477
  • 2nd Police Precinct – 441 Central Park Avenue – (914) 377-7452
  • 3rd Police Precinct – 435 Riverdale Avenue – (914) 377-7427
  • 4th Police Precinct – 53 Shonnard Place – (914) 377-7402

Westchester Insider: Assistance from Westchester County.


Saturday, January 29, 2022

Yonkers Insider: Yonkers Chamber of Commerce Monthly Breakfast.

I was happy to attend the Chamber of Commerce's "Meet Your Council Member" Breakfast. There was a very warm welcome for our new Council President Lakisha Collins-Bellamy!

Yonkers City Councilwoman Corazon Pineda Issac 2nd District.

Yonkers Insider: City of Yonkers: Community Events/News.


Nodine Hill Mobile Food Pantry
February 10, 2020 at 12:30 pm

Upcoming Dates:

Thursday, February 10, 2022 @12:30pm

Thursday, March 10, 2022

Thursday, April 14, 2022

Thursday May 12, 2022

Thursday, June 9, 2022

Yonkers Insider: City of Yonkers: COMING SOON YONKERS RESTAURANT WEEK!


Yonkers Insider: City of Yonkers: 2022 MLK JR. VIDEO CONTEST.


Yonkers Mayor Mike Spano and Superintendent of Schools Dr. Edwin M. Quezada have launched the 2022 Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Video Contest. This year’s theme for Black History Month is “Black Health and Wellness,” which takes a look at how American healthcare has often underserved the African-American community. 

The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Video Contest is open to all primary and secondary Yonkers students.

Guidelines and specifications for the contest can be found at

Yonkers Insider: City of Yonkers: YONKERS UNEMPLOYMENT A RECORD LOW.


Yonkers Insider: City of Yonkers: YPD Promotions.


Mayor Spano promoted eight highly qualified members of the Yonkers Police Department.

They will serve in their new roles alongside the other men and women of the YPD, dedicating themselves to protecting and serving the City of Yonkers. #YonkersFinest

Yonkers Insider: Oped by Helena Edwards.


President Biden, The Checks For Black Former Service Members Are Overdue
By Helena Edwards
In cities throughout America, there are homeless Black men scattered all over like paper from a ticker tape parade. These men are America’s shame because America owes them a debt that it refuses to pay. Many of these men struggle with mental illnesses that began in the military, but they never receive monetary compensation nor health care benefits. Why? They were given an everlasting scarlet letter in the form of an other than honorable discharge due to their skin color.
America’s politicians like to pretend that they are ignorant to the fact that racism was (still is in many cases) rampant in the military. Yet, some talk glowingly about President Roosevelt’s influence in establishing the Tuskegee Airmen. Before, President Roosevelt’s Public Law 18, Black soldiers were confined to the menial jobs in the military. There were no Black officers. Scientific racism which was created in the Louis Agassiz’ laboratory at Harvard University, and became the great authority in government policies, states that Blacks are inferior due to low Intelligence Quotient, and uncivilized behavior. Thus, the former service members were not fit to be anything other than providers of manual labor in the military.
This argument for “inability” is the essence of racism, and American leaders love to feign dementia. They want us to believe that racism never existed in America, and if it did, it surely doesn’t exist now. However, we see tangible results of racism all throughout America every single day, especially in the Black communities. But, the greatest Senator in New York State, Chuck Schumer, and his junior cohort, Kirsten Gillibrand, are blind to this, especially, when they visit Mount Vernon to sure-up their votes in elections. In their minds, the tons of Black men that line the streets in Mount Vernon are there simply because they are “shiftless and lazy.” They don’t believe racism is the nexus to these men becoming society’s outcasts.
Many of these homeless Black men on the streets who engage in a life of crime to survive are former service members. They served America by performing the “dirty jobs” in the military. They were continuously subjected to racism in the forms of psychological, emotional, and physical abuse. My mother-in-law told me that some of the Black soldiers who came back from France after World War II said, the French soldiers were treating them like humans until White American soldiers told these French soldiers the Black soldiers had tails like monkeys. For those of you that are still in denial, this is an example of racism. It is essentially the dehumanization of Black people.
As if these tortures that these Black soldiers endured in the military were not enough, the White racists in the military ensured that these Black soldiers would never reap the benefits of their military service by issuing them dishonorable discharges. With these dishonorable discharges, these Black men are literally left out in the cold. They don’t qualify for VA home loans, which built the white middle class. They don’t qualify for the GI Bill education benefits, which created the white educated class. They don’t qualify for treatment for any disabilities incurred in service, unless the discharge can be categorized under 38 CFR 3.12(d), and they certainly don’t qualify for VA disability compensation benefits. Those former service members who were issued straight out “bad discharges,” are totally barred from everything. American employers don’t look kindly on individuals with dishonorable discharges, so these Black men’s choices are limited to the streets or prison.
President Joe Biden in his hopes to run another game on Black Americans whose votes he needs to prevent a Democratic Party midterm massacre is offering Black people a Supreme Court position - another great Trojan horse. The sad thing is that many Black people still fall for this trick even after the era of Obama. No other group in America is so naive whereby they are continuously tricked by the people who desire to keep them in eternal poverty. President Biden on September 20, 2021, signed an Executive Order to circumvent 38 CFR 3.12(d)(5), which authorizes a dishonorable discharge based on Homosexuality. This Executive Order enables VA to reconsider dishonorable discharges issued to homosexuals in making them eligible for VA benefits. The LGBTQ community can now take advantage of health care benefits such as sex change surgeries, and treatment for other homosexual related conditions. They can now qualify for VA home loan guarantee program, VA disability compensation benefits as well as the GI Bill education benefits. I applaud President Biden for righting past wrongs within the LGBTQ community, but I must audaciously ask, what about those Black former service members that received dishonorable discharges due to racism? When will they be treated the same?
It seems like President Biden’s plan for the homeless Black former service members is to have Black mercenaries like New York City Mayor Eric Adams unleash the entire NYC police force on them. They are deemed criminals not veterans because they have other than honorable discharges. They are not deemed to be in need of mental health, because the cost to taxpayers would be much greater than the cost of just rounding them up and throwing their behinds in prisons. Neither Eric Adams nor President Biden would treat any individual from the LGBTQ community that way. The LGBTQ community values loyalty. They don’t have LGBTQ mercenaries who work against their community. The Black community, on the other hand, is overloaded with mercenaries from the African Chiefs who sold the people into slavery to New York City Mayor Eric Adams, who ensures that Black people are kept in slavery in the penitentiaries. The Black community also has a bad habit of rewarding traitors. Thus, there is a continuum of traitors - mercenaries who betray the Black community.
It’s time for Black people to show the Social Scientists at Harvard University that their intelligence quotients have been elevated to triple digits. They must reject Joe Biden’s Supreme Court Trojan horse, and tell him, if his party wants to remain in office, he has to cut the check for compensation due to racial discrimination. Short of Joe Biden doing this, Black people must stay away from the polling stations and refuse to vote. It’s time that the Black community values dignity. No one is going to respect you until you respect yourselves. It is time to stop rewarding traitors and making excuses for them. It’s time that you say to Joe Biden, “No compensation for racial discrimination, no vote! #CutTheCheck

Yonkers Insider Weather Desk.


Source: Accu Weather.


Special Weather Statement
National Weather Service New York NY
733 PM EST Sat Jan 29 2022
At times, areas of blowing and drifting snow will limit visibility
and further cover portions of roadways. In addition, many roadways
remain snow covered. Travel conditions will remain hazardous.

In addition, wind chills will be around -5 to -10 tonight into
early Sunday morning. If you are outside, be sure to wear
appropriate clothing, a hat, and gloves to minimize exposure to
the wind.

Friday, January 28, 2022



Due to weather predictions, alternate side of street parking will be suspended tomorrow, Saturday, January 29th through Tuesday, February 1st.

Parking meters will remain in effect.

Yonkers Insider: Statement from Yonkers Mayor Mike Spano.


Dear Friend,

Today, I stood in solidarity with hundreds of Yonkers residents in honor of fallen NYPD Detective Jason Rivera.

The feelings resonating inside me during his final send-off left me confused, outraged, yet still optimistic. It isn't easy to summarize the emotions in a single word, but seeing the hundreds of people standing shoulder to shoulder to pay tribute to Det. Rivera reminded me of the good that still exists.

As painful as this moment was, it is a wake-up call reminding us of the men and women who go out each and every day to serve and protect people in our communities. For that, we say thank you.

May God bless Detective Jason Rivera.   

Best wishes, 


Yonkers Insider: Statement from Yonkers City Councilwoman Corazon Pineda Issac 2nd District.


The weekend is here, and if there is snow, many of you are going to have tons of fun in snow. I will definitely stay indoors, as far from the cold as possible. I would like to urge everyone to limit unnecessary driving and travel, as weather reports claim that tomorrow, we could experience near-blizzard conditions. The weather is changing by the minute, but if there is a lot of snow, please stay safe!

Hon. Corazon Pineda-Isaac
Tel: (914) 377-6312

Yonkers Insider: Westchester County Legislator James Nolan 15th District: Prepare for Major Winter Storm Now!



*WHAT...Heavy snow expected. Heavy snow expected. Winds gusting as high as 45 mph. Near blizzard conditions are possible for a period on Saturday.  *WHERE...Portions of northeast New Jersey, southern Connecticut and southeast New York.  *WHEN...From 7 PM this evening to 7 PM EST Saturday.  *IMPACTS...Travel will become be very difficult. Gusty winds could bring down tree branches.  *PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS...If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency.

County emergency responders recommend residents set aside several days’ worth of non-perishable food, water and medicine, and keep on hand other critical supplies like flashlights and batteries in case they are stuck in their homes without power. Residents should also have a “go-bag” ready in case they are asked to evacuate on short notice during an emergency.  It is recommended that residents create an emergency preparedness kit that includes:

  • Gallon of water per person per day
  • Three-day supply of canned, packaged or other shelf-stable, ready-to-eat food
    • Foods that can be stored include ready-to-eat canned meats and fish, protein or fruit bars, dry cereal and granola, peanut butter, nuts, crackers and canned fruit or juice
  • Manual can opener and eating utensils
  • Flashlights and batteries
  • First aid kit
  • Battery-powered or hand-crank radio

Ahead of any major storm, residents should make a list of their medications, charge their cellphones and laptops and fill their vehicle gas tanks. It is also a good idea to have some masks, wipes and hand sanitizer in your go-bag. Residents with oil tanks at home should top off their tanks and tighten the cap to prevent spills. Above-ground tanks should also be strapped to a secure fixture to prevent tipping.   

Food and safety is essential during and after any power outage or emergency, and can be prolonged with the steps below:

  • Before the storm hits, set your refrigerator to the coldest setting to keep food fresh longer if you lose power
  • Keep your refrigerator closed as much as possible. Do not assume refrigerated foods are safe.
  • Foods that are fully frozen are safe to use
  • Foods that have warmed to room temperature for more than two hours should be discarded. When in doubt, throw it out
  • During a prolonged outage, discard these foods if they were not kept below 45 degrees Fahrenheit:
    • meat, poultry, seafood, cold cuts, hot dogs, eggs, cream, sour cream, yogurt, milk, custards, puddings, soft and shredded cheeses, cut fruit, cooked vegetables, pasta, casseroles, unbaked cookie and bread dough, gravy, creamy salad dressings, fish sauces, hoisin sauce, opened spaghetti sauce and garlic in oil
  • After disposing of spoiled food, disinfect the refrigerator to avoid further contamination.
  • Discard any cans of food that are rusted, dented or open
  • Storm clean-up can produce a great deal of garbage, which invites insects and rodents. Store your garbage in watertight, rodent/insect-proof containers with tight-fitting covers

Motorists should stay off the roads unless absolutely necessary during inclement weather. Residents should avoid unnecessary travel during severe storms. 

Residents and business owners with generators are reminded of the following safety tips:

  • Never run a generator in a basement, garage, porch or carport. Generators produce carbon monoxide that can quickly be lethal indoors. Only operate a generator outdoors and away from open windows.
  • Do not exceed the rated capacity of your generator. Overloading your generator can damage it and any appliances connected to it. Fire may result.
  • If your generator has a detachable fuel tank, remove it before refilling. If this is not possible, shut off the generator and let it cool before refilling.

Families should also consider what additional preparations to make for people with special needs or who care for the elderly, infants or pets. They should also plan for how they will communicate if local phone service is not available or is overwhelmed by high demand.

Power outages and loss of service can be reported as follows:

​Utilities recommend you switch off or unplug electrical appliances to avoid potential damage to the appliances when power is restored. Leave at least one light switch in the on position to alert you when power has been restored.

Practical tips on these and other topics can be found at: and

Yonkers Insider: Westchester County Legislator Christopher Johnson 16th District: Join me February 17th for a Night of Comedy!

Please mail checks to: 

Johnson for Westchester
P.O. Box 220
Yonkers, NY 10702

Contributions are not tax deductible

Thursday, January 27, 2022

Yonkers Insider 2022 Election Desk: Political Insiders: Yonkers Democrat City Chair Thomas Meier Strongly Considering Jamal Bowman Congressional Seat: Elections 2022.

Political Insiders Tell Yonkers Insider that Yonkers Democratic Party Chair Thomas Meier is Strongly Considering the US Congress Seat Currently Held by Congressman Jamaal Bowman. Meier has long been considered interested in the Yonkers Mayoral Race in 2023, Interesting if He runs in 2022 for US Congressional Seat against Congressman Bowman. Politics always Interesting in Yonkers and in Westchester County.

We are also told that Other Candidates are also interested in this Congressional Seat, Time will tell and the next Important Move will be what the District Lines will look like after the US Congressional Districts get redrawn in the Very Near Future. 

We will keep our readers on this Most Important Race and will keep our readers on Thomas Meier plans turn out being for this Race. Yonkers Insider always provides the Most Comprehensive Election Coverage in our View.

Congressman Bowman is Seeking a 2nd Term in this Year's Election Process.

To Read a more Detailed Article, Read Yonkers Times Article by Dan Murphy:

Yonkers Insider Publisher Delfim Heusler

Yonkers Insider: Yonkers City Council: Environmental Policy & Protection Committee Meeting - February 1, 2022. 4:00 PM.

On behalf of Majority Leader Tasha Diaz, please be advised that an Environmental Policy and Protection Committee Meeting has been scheduled ‎for Tuesday, February 1st, 2022, at 4:00 p.m. 


The meeting will occur via Webex at


Agenda Attached

Yonkers Insider: Yonkers Police: Public HERO'S SALUTE for fallen NYPD Officer Jason Rivera - I-87 Overpasses in Yonkers Fri 1/28 11AM.


Public HERO'S SALUTE for fallen NYPD Officer Jason Rivera - I-87 Overpasses in Yonkers Fri 1/28 11AM.

The Westchester County Police Department and Yonkers Police Department are coordinating a "Hero's Salute" to honor Police Officer Jason Rivera's service and ultimate sacrifice as he proceeds into Westchester County to his final place of rest.


Members of the public are invited to watch the procession as it proceeds north on I-87 NYS Thruway on the overpasses at:


McLean Avenue

Clark Street

Yonkers Avenue

Midland Avenue

Palmer Road


Gathering time is 11AM; the procession is estimated to pass through between 11:30 AM - 12 PM.


Commuters should plan accordingly for congestion at the above locations.


HALL PLACE and CLARK STREET overpasses will be CLOSED for the duration.


CENTRAL PARK AVENUE northbound service road between MCLEAN AVENUE and CLARK STREET will be CLOSED for the duration to accommodate Emergency Vehicles.

City of Yonkers: Public Hearing Notice - Fernbrook Street 3.25.2025 at 6:30 p.m.

City of Yonkers: Public Hearing Notice - Fernbrook Street 3.25.2025 at 6:30 p.m. Yonkers City Clerk's Office.