New Yonkers City Clerk's Office Ad.

New Yonkers City Clerk's Office Ad.
Yonkers City Clerk's Office - Yonkers City Clerk Vincent Spano.

Business AD: Henry Djonbalaj Real Estate LLC: Henry Djonbalaj: Licensed Real Estate Broker.

Business AD: Henry Djonbalaj Real Estate LLC: Henry Djonbalaj: Licensed Real Estate Broker.
Henry Djonbalaj Real Estate LLC.

Thursday, September 30, 2021

Yonkers Insider: The 3rd Annual Michael Nolan Golf Outing and Dinner.

The Michael Nolan Foundation 3rd Annual Holf Outing & Dinner will be on Friday October 1st at Dunwoodie Golf Course in Yonkers, NY. All proceeds raised will go towards The Michael Nolan Foundation to provide scholarships to students in Yonkers Public Schools and other essential needs in the community. Michael Nolan is the innocent Oakland Athletics baseball player that was killed in a drive by shooting in Yonkers in 2015 which he saved six peoples lives by donating his organs. If you would like to golf or to become a sponsor please contact me for details!

James Nolan





Program introduced in response to the Westchester County Police Reform & Reimagining Task Force Report.


Watch the full News Conference HERE:


(White Plains, NY) – In response to the Westchester County Police Reform & Reimagining Task Force report to the Governor, the County is announcing Project Alliance.  Project Alliance represents a five-prong approach developed by Westchester County Executive George Latimer with the Department of Community Mental Health, Department of Public Safety, Department of Emergency Services and Department of Social Services to address the needs of Westchester County residents with behavioral health challenges.


The five prongs:

·         911 Dispatch Diversion Training

·         Enhanced Training for EMT  responding to Behavioral Health Issues

·         Enhancement of Countywide Behavioral Health Crisis Response Line

·         Crisis Intervention Team Trainings

·         Mobile Crisis Response Teams (MCRT)

Latimer said: “I applaud the Westchester County Police Reform & Reimagining Task Force, the Department of Community Mental Health, the Department Public Safety, the Department of Emergency Services and the Department of Social Services for recognizing that changes in how we approach mental health, in all facets of our community, need to happen and need to happen quickly.  This is a bold step, and an innovative approach, to better address behavioral health emergencies when they develop. Project Alliance will make this County safer by better addressing the root issue.”


Westchester County Police Reform & Reimagining Task Force Co-Chair Mayo Bartlett said: “While all of the Task Force recommendations are important, addressing police interaction with people who suffer from mental illness is invaluable. I am encouraged by the commitment to have a comprehensive response to mental illness by coordinating multiple disciplines. In my estimation, it will focus on treatment, and will reduce the number of incidents that lead to unnecessary law enforcement interaction with people who may need assistance due to a mental health crisis. The initiative will also increase the training that members of law enforcement will receive with respect to how to respond to people who are experiencing a mental health crisis, as well as how 911 calls are screened by dispatchers, helping to ensure that appropriate services are requested.  The effort will ultimately lead to the County-wide availability of trained mobile mental health units comprised of mental health professionals and members of law enforcement to address a potential mental health crisis.”


Westchester County Police Reform & Reimagining Task Force Co-Chair Leroy Frazer said: Enhanced training in many areas of criminal justice was a common thread of the Task Forces’ recommendations. I applaud the agencies working together through Project Alliance, under the leadership and direction of County Executive Latimer, in expanding existing resources to address this important issue.  This extraordinary preparedness demonstrates the county’s seriousness in addressing potential mental health crises.


Department of Community Mental Health Commissioner Michael Orth said: “For nearly 20 years, the Department of Community Mental Health has partnered with law enforcement around Westchester to help address behavioral health emergencies when they arise. Through the foresight of County Executive Latimer, and the collaboration of our department and colleague departments, as well as our various partners in the community, Project Alliance will create a first-of-its-kind seamless system of crisis response. Through Project Alliance, our community members, law enforcement personnel and service providers will become safer and better connected.”


Public Safety Commissioner Thomas A. Gleason said: “The more resources that are available to respond when persons are in emotional crisis the better. We look forward to working in partnership with all those involved in Project Alliance to ensure the safest and most effective outcome in these challenging incidents.”


Department of Emergency Services Commissioner Richard Wishnie said: “From the start this has been a collaborative effort and the results will be a better outcome for those who suffer from mental health issues.  I applaud County Executive George Latimer for focusing on mental health in a proactive and innovative way to benefit us all.”


Department of Social Services Commissioner Leonard Townes said: “This is a significant collaboration that is a major step in the right direction to better service the community, particularly those dealing with behavioral health challenges.”  


Westchester County Legislator Colin Smith said: "When the Task Force made its recommendations, this is exactly the type of program we had in mind: a creative, cooperative bringing together of resources from across departments to do things in new ways.  This innovative effort -- to respond to emergencies where mental health expertise, not just police expertise, is called for -- will literally be a lifesaver. I commend the County Executive and the departmental leadership for refusing to continue doing business as usual and instead taking steps to really put into practice the job of reimagining and reform."


Westchester County Legislator Terry Clements said: "Often police are called into emergencies where the crisis they encounter is a mental health crisis. It's a different situation than being called to, say, the scene of a robbery. At the Task Force, we recognized that the County has outstanding resources in our Department of Community Mental Health and our Department of Social Services. Our challenge was to deploy these resources, in cooperation with police, in an emergency moment, in a way that is safe and appropriately responsive to the crisis at hand. Project Alliance is designed to do just that and I want to thank County Executive Latimer, Commissioners Orth, Gleason, Wishnie and Townes for their cooperation and creativity in developing this innovative program."


911 Dispatch Diversion Training

Westchester County will provide training to all law enforcement agencies on 911 Diversion.  This training is based on a model developed in Broome County/Binghamton and creates a fourth option for emergency response, adding Behavioral Health to the existing police, fire and medical responses.  This on-going training is offered in two phases: (1) Offered to County dispatchers and (2) available to all law enforcement agencies in the County.  There is no charge for the training.


Enhanced Training for EMT on Responding to Behavioral Health Issues

To enhance and expand training for EMTs and paramedics in responding to a mental health crisis, Wishnie and Orth developed a specialized crisis training to members of the EMS community.  This training module will be ready for implementation late fall.


Enhancement of Countywide Behavioral Health Crisis Response Line

The County has collaborated with St. Vincent’s Hospital to expand the existing Crisis Prevention and Response services to include support for 911-Diversion Behavioral Health Crisis phone services and to support the newly created National 988 Suicide Prevention Line.  Service would be 24/7 for residents experiencing behavioral health crisis, concerned family members, other providers and law enforcement / 911 dispatchers. Full implementation of the response line will occur by early 2022. It is believed that many of the crisis calls diverted to the crisis line will be successfully resolved without having to mobilize any resources to the scene.


Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) Trainings

Westchester County has provided CIT training to law enforcement agencies in Westchester and neighboring departments for many years. Under Project Alliance, this Police-based crisis intervention training will prepare more officers and other first responders to manage crises involving people with mental illness effectively.  The training also improves their understanding and accessibility of the public mental health system, while promoting officer safety and the safety of the individual in crisis. Training is available to recruits and seasoned officers with a more in-depth in-service training, as well as being expanded to EMS and 911 dispatchers.


Mobile Crisis Response Teams (MCRT)

An innovative partnership between the mental health system and law enforcement in responding to the needs of residents experiencing mental health crisis.  MCRTs consists of staff who have substantial training and experience in addressing mental health and substance use systems.  Their primary role of MCRTs is to support law enforcement in addressing mental health crisis by rapid engagement, assessment of needs, and providing short-term support and linkage to necessary services.


The goal is to establish eight teams throughout Westchester County.  There will be three teams established in 2021 and five teams in 2022. Each team will serve a defined catchment area, providing 24/7 crisis response, ultimately providing this service across all of Westchester.


Three teams in 2021: Mount Kisco, Port Chester & New Rochelle

Five teams in 2022: Ossining, Peekskill, White Plains/Greenburgh, Mount Vernon, Yonkers






Date: Sept. 30, 2021


Joint Statement by Senator Shelley Mayer and Assemblyman Steve Otis.

Bruno M. Ponterio Ridge Street School
Blind Brook-Rye School District
We are pleased that the inspection today at the Bruno M. Ponterio Ridge Street School yielded a positive result. Unquestionably the delayed September school opening for in-person learning has been extremely concerning to parents, educators, community members and us. We are encouraged that children can now return to classrooms, engage directly with their teachers and be with their peers in the very near future.
We want to acknowledge and recognize the many parents and community members who spoke out as well as those who reached out to us directly asking for assistance during this time. We heard you and we facilitated the productive working relationship between the State Education Department and the school district with the urgency needed to get to this point today and to ultimately move this building project forward.
We want to thank Commissioner Betty Rosa and the leadership of the State Education Department for their commitment to the students and families of Blind Brook-Rye and their hands-on assistance in resolving this crisis. News of this reopening would not have been possible without their direct assistance. When construction-related building code issues at the school were identified, Commissioner Rosa provided an unprecedented level of guidance, expertise and SED staff support to assist the district in completing needed work and reopening the school as quickly as possible. 
We continue to stand ready to engage with all parties to ensure that the health and safety of our students remains paramount throughout this process and that the school reopens as quickly as possible.

Westchester Insider: Westchester County Legislator Ruth Walter 15th District: Board Approves Project to Add Water Bottle Refill Stations to County Parks.


Dear Friends and Neighbors, 

You've probably seen water bottle filling stations at gyms, schools, airports, national parks and elsewhere. Now, you're about to see them at Westchester County Parks, thanks to a new measure passed recently by the Board of Legislators.

On September 20, the Board unanimously passed a $750,000 bond, which I advocated for in our 2021 Capital Budget,  for the Parks Department to begin replacing old water fountains at County parks with modern refill stations.

As chair of the Board's Environment & Health Committee, I'm so excited that we are finally getting this project underway, and I want to thank my colleagues for their support.

Single-use plastic bottles are one of the most common things that pollute waterways and pile up in landfills. Anything we can do to reduce that is a huge plus. That means recycling of course, but also using refillable water bottles. Plus, if you're out at a park for a ball game, or a bike ride, or hike, you want to be able to take water with you, even if you're not always right next to a water fountain. Being able to easily and quickly fill up your reusable water will be a really nice benefit for park-goers.

These fast fill water fountains will not only improve the park going experience it will also reduce reliance on single-use plastics that will have long term benefits for our local natural spaces and the environment as a whole.

Parks Department leadership told Legislators on Monday that the department has taken inventory of all the drinking fountains in County parks and will use the newly allocated $750,000 to replace as many as possible with the new fast-fill stations. The department also will look to include in future capital projects the addition of water lines where feasible to add fast fill stations where water fountains may not exist at all today.


Ruth Walter


Yonkers Insider: City of Yonkers: Job Expo 2021 -- 10/6 & 10/7 Yonkers Riverfront Library.






Local Police Officers trained by Office for Women collaborative staff to help reduce the risk of Homicides for Domestic Violence victims in Westchester County.



Friday, October 1

2 p.m.

New Rochelle Police Department

475 North Avenue

New Rochelle, New York 10801


Event will be Livestreamed on Facebook:


(White Plains, NY) – Together with the Westchester County Office for Women, the Westchester County District Attorney’s Office, Westchester Medical Center, Pace Women’s Justice Center, Legal Services of the Hudson Valley, members the New Rochelle Police Department and domestic violence advocates from across Westchester, County Executive George Latimer will announce the success of the Domestic Violence High Risk Training (DVHRT) Program.


The training program, which was recently completed by officers of the New Rochelle Police Department, uses a multi-disciplinary team-based approach to identify, serve and support victims of domestic violence who may be at risk of serious harm or homicide by their offender. DVHRT, which is gradually being implemented into Westchester County’s local police departments, involves training responding police officers in the Lethality Assessment Program (LAP), a danger assessment tool for law enforcement that they conduct at the scene of a domestic incident with trauma-sensitive interviewing techniques. The County’s DVHRT Program is being used as a model for other counties across New York State, creating and solidifying a bond between law enforcement and domestic violence service providers to protect victims from harm and increase offender accountability.


The Westchester County Office for Women was just awarded a $1 Million dollar grant from the Department of Justice to continue implementing the high risk team over the next four years.


Latimer said: “The impetus for this program, as successful as it has proven to be in our local police departments, is borne out of tragedy. We have seen murder-suicides here in Westchester County, and we did not like what we saw. But – we are problem solvers and we are innovators, and serious family violence and domestic partner violence is something that just will not be tolerated. We have introduced this program in an attempt to limit future high risk domestic violence, and we have seen this training pay dividends in the communities who are using it. Survivors who have been part of this extraordinary program are the best promoters of the program, and play an active role in the police training. With their help, we have been able to work towards establishing long-term safety and security for these victims.”


The current  training team includes members of the Westchester County Office for Women, the District Attorney’s Office, police chiefs from Pound Ridge and White Plains, the senior director of Westchester Medical Center’s Sexual Assault and Crime Victims Advocacy Program, civil legal services including Pace Women’s Justice Center, and a domestic violence survivor. When police officers respond to a domestic violence call, they are trained to use the lethality assessment tool to determine if the victim is at risk of being killed or seriously harmed by their partner. From the scene, responding officers call a 24/7 support line that is staffed by well-trained advocates at Westchester Medical Center. The advocate will speak with the victim, offer safety planning and available resources, and make an immediate connection to the appropriate services. The Officer for Women schedules all training, reviews all LAP’s and monitors all DSVP referrals.


The New Rochelle Police Department most recently completed the training, and within the past year the program has been implemented in Dobbs Ferry, Hastings, North Castle, Peekskill, Tuckahoe, Yorktown, Rye Brook, Eastchester, Sleepy Hollow, White Plains and Westchester County Department of Public Safety. Lewisboro, North Salem, Bedford, Pound Ridge and Somers have been using the program since 2017, and the County hopes to start training Yonkers PD, the County’s largest municipal department, next month.. 


Westchester County District Attorney Mimi Rocah said: “The Domestic Violence High Risk Team and the Lethality Assessment Program are instrumental in our efforts to ensure victims of domestic violence are protected and that their abusers are held accountable in the criminal justice system. Through the LAP training, the District Attorney’s Office works with our law enforcement partners to train officers to evaluate the risk of danger present in a case, connect a survivor to resources immediately, use trauma-aware interview techniques to collect critical information, and possess a heightened sensitivity to the impact of abuse on survivors. The LAP training truly can make a difference in saving a victim’s life and I am so proud that our Special Prosecutions Division has played such a crucial role in this community safety initiative.”


Director of the Westchester County Office for Women Robi Schlaff said: “In the Office for Women, our utmost concern will always be protecting the safety of Westchester County’s residents and families, especially victims of domestic violence. We took a great deal of time investigating models that have been proven successful in assessing the gravest risk to families, and implementing enhanced safety protections.  We are fortunate to have the most professional and competent partners in law enforcement, the District Attorney’s office and our service providers, all of whom are committed to this mission of protecting our most vulnerable residents and families.”


Police Commissioner of the New Rochelle Police Department Robert Gazzola said: “The Domestic Violence High Risk Training Program recently conducted by the Westchester County Office for Women Collaborative Staff will ensure that our Officers know how to protect and serve victims of domestic violence, from identification and intervention on through to placement with specialized advocates.”


Executive Director of Pace Women’s Justice Center Cindy Kanusher said: “We are privileged to be a part of the DVHRT program. As a civil legal services provider representing victims of abuse, we understand the critical need for this training and for the LAP program in our county.  There is no doubt that training police on high risk factors, combined with referral protocols that provide emergency safety planning and enhanced services for victims will help to reduce the risk of continued serious and lethal violence for victims of domestic violence and save lives.”


Executive Director of Hope’s Door CarlLa Horton said: “Hope’s Door is grateful for the work of our many partners in the Westchester County Domestic Violence High Risk Team. We collaborate with one singular goal - to save the lives of domestic violence victims identified as high-risk for lethality or life-threatening assault. From the trained police officer responding on the scene, to the advocate at the medical center, to the counselors providing on-going support, to the prosecutors in the D.A.’s office – all of us are working together across systems to hold offenders accountable, to enhance victim safety, and to save lives. Hope’s Door joins with our partners in acknowledging the commitment to this collaborative work demonstrated by the New Rochelle Police Department.”



Westchester Insider: Westchester County Legislator Catherine Parker: Digital Equity in Westchester - A STEM Alliance Webinar.

An urgent call for digital inclusion as a driver for economic opportunity and recovery.

October 4th-8th is National Digital Inclusion Week! Join the STEM Alliance for a FREE webinar discussing Digital Equity in Westchester County.


  • Jordan Cormier,Director of Programming, Youth Shelter of Westchester
  • Grace Battaglia, Director of Marketing & Community Relations, Open Door Family Medical Center and Foundation
  • Dr. Fenix Arias, Chief of Operations, Yonkers Public Schools
  • Assemblyman Steve Otis, New York State District 91

Register in advance

Westchester Insider: Westchester County Distributes Masks to White Plains Public Schools.


District Received More Than 1,000 Masks.


(White Plains, NY) – Westchester County has partnered with the Westchester County Superintendent’s Association to distribute thousands of child-sized masks at school districts across the County. The mask distribution is part of an ongoing effort by Westchester County to protect children who are not yet eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine. This latest stop was at Eastview Middle School in White Plains where the County delivered 1600 masks.


Westchester County Executive George Latimer said: “Until all our children are fully vaccinated, protecting them from this virus remains a top priority. Masks paired with social distancing and hand washing can help. The County’s role is to be a partner with the school district, to provide them with the help they need to protect their students.”


White Plains Public Schools Superintendent Dr. Joseph Ricca said: “Throughout the pandemic, the partnership between the local school district and the Westchester County government has been truly amazing. County Executive Latimer has assisted us since day one of the outbreak. Today, we are grateful to receive over 1,000 masks to support the WPCSD educational community. Our thanks and appreciation to all of our colleagues at the County for their amazing support.”


White Plains Mayor Thomas Roach said: "Thank you to Westchester County and County Executive Latimer for making masks available to our younger students in White Plains who are not yet eligible for vaccination. Wearing a mask, especially while indoors and in close proximity to others, has been shown to be effective in helping to reduce the spread of COVID-19. This distribution effort is a great example of how different entities -- the school district, the city and the county - are all working together to address COVID-19."


The County has procured more than 200,000 child-sized masks for students up to 12 years old.


Masks have already been delivered to:  Rye Neck UFSD, Croton-Harmon UFSD, White Plains CSD, Somers CSD, Pleasantville UFSD, Dobbs Ferry SD, Yorktown CSD, UFSD Tarrytowns, Greenburgh-North Castle UFSD, Pelham Schools, Ossining UFSD, Mount Pleasant CSD, Byram Hills CSD, Bedford CSD, Blind Brook Schools. Elmsford UFSD, Port Chester UFSD, Bronxville School District, Scarsdale Schools, Mamaroneck Union Free School District, Harrison Central School District, Yonkers Public Schools, Tuckahoe UFSD, Edgemont UFSD and the Boys and Girls Club of New Rochelle.

Westchester Insider:Westchester County Legislator Ruth Walter 15th District:The Board of Legislators Celebrates Italian Heritage Month - Monday, 10/4.

The Board of Legislators Celebrates Italian Heritage Month - Monday, 10/4.

Please join us Monday night, October 4th, for our annual celebration of Italian Heritage Month, streaming live from the BOL Chamber at 7 p.m., prior to the start of our regular Board meeting. The Board is proud to be celebrating Anthony Ciancio, Commissioner, Valhalla Fire Department; and Joseph F. Curto, Jr., President, Yonkers Tennis Center.

The event will go live at at 7 p.m. To access, click on the link and scroll down to “Board of Legislators Meeting.” Scroll across to the video column and click where it says “in progress."

Greenburgh Insider: Greenburgh activist, former Marine in danger of living in car.


We can't let a local hero become homeless and be forced to live in his car. We need your help in finding him a place to live

A Greenburgh veteran (honorably discharged marine) who lived in Greenburgh and has been active in our community (well liked, someone who has attended Town Board meetings and participated in community life) is in danger of living in his car again because he is homeless. We NEED YOUR HELP finding him a room that he and his wife can live in. He's been married for 50 years.   If you know someone who has an extra room or you have contacts with landlords in the area who have affordable housing that they would like to make available to him and his wife please contact Tamara Clayton at the va (her e mail address is below). Also see a letter requesting help from the Greenburgh Veterans Committee.

Please e mail me with copies of your responses.  We can't let our Greenburgh veteran down and must help him avoid the indignity of living in his car.

My e mail is


Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Westchester Insider: Election Desk 2021 News: Fundraiser for Joe Torres Republican for Westchester County Legislator 1st District: Elections 2021.


Come enjoy a BBQ dinner in a casual atmosphere with friends and fellow supporters of Joe Torres, candidate for Westchester County Legislator for District 1 - Cortlandt, Peekskill, Yorktown.
Price: $45 per person, $35 for District Leaders.
Event Sponsorships: Platinum $1,000 · Gold $500 · Silver $250
Location: Cortlandt Colonial Restaurant, 714 Albany Post Rd,
Time: 6PM
Donate via Mail: PO Box 2603, Peekskill, NY 10566

Yonkers Insider: Election Desk 2021 News: Endorsement Alert: Local 46 Endorses James Nolan Republican for Westchester County Legislator 15th District: Elections 2021.

ENDORSEMENT ALERT - I am proud to announce that The Metallic Lathers and Reinforcing Ironworkers Local 46 has endorsed me to become the next Westchester County Legislator for District 15 Yonkers & Bronxville. It is truly an honor to have support of this great union and members who are the strength behind the beautiful buildings in our community. I am proud to be a union member and when elected on November 2nd I look forward providing a voice for labor which has been missing!

Yonkers Insider: Election Desk 2021 News: Endorsement Alert: 32BJ SEIU Endorses Democrat Westchester County Legislator Ruth Walter for Re-Election: Elections 2021.


I’m honored to announce today that I have received the endorsement of 32BJ SEIU in my race for reelection as County Legislator for District 15. 32BJ SEIU's presence in New York dates back over 100 years in which time they amassed over 80,000 union members. This diverse union is made up of building janitors, security officers, window cleaners, theater and stadium cleaners, and public school workers among other professions.

I have known many members and organizers of 32BJ SEIU, and to a person they are committed to highest standard of work most notably during COVID, taking on essential cleaning work. Unions like 32BJ SEIU are politically engaged to ensure they can work in an active and secure jobs. Westchester county legislators do not negotiate contracts directly, but we support the standards of work that 32BJ SEIU works for--things like paid sick leave. 32BJ SEIU's endorsement comes as recognition of my commitment through my first term to support jobs that can support a family.

I look forward to continue the work I started in a second term. Vote on November 2nd!

Democrat Westchester County Legislator Ruth Walter 15th District.

City of Yonkers: Public Hearing Notice - Fernbrook Street 3.25.2025 at 6:30 p.m.

City of Yonkers: Public Hearing Notice - Fernbrook Street 3.25.2025 at 6:30 p.m. Yonkers City Clerk's Office.