New Yonkers City Clerk's Office Ad.

New Yonkers City Clerk's Office Ad.
Yonkers City Clerk's Office - Yonkers City Clerk Vincent Spano.

Business AD: Henry Djonbalaj Real Estate LLC: Henry Djonbalaj: Licensed Real Estate Broker.

Business AD: Henry Djonbalaj Real Estate LLC: Henry Djonbalaj: Licensed Real Estate Broker.
Henry Djonbalaj Real Estate LLC.

Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Yonkers Insider: City of Mount Vernon: MISSING CHILD ALERT.

Yonkers Insider: Town of Greenburgh: Reminder: No commingled Wed-holiday schedule---info for late taxpayers.

Two reminders: NO commingled tomorrow --garbage pick up is Wed or Thursday (depending on calendar) THIS IS A HOLIDAY WEEK If you are paying town, fire and county taxes late due to COVID hardships, the taxes are due July 15th. taxpayer who filled out the hardship form was told that they could not pay on line that they needed to send in a check for the tax only. The system cannot take partial payments. 


Alerted About this Video by an Anonymous Reader of my Online Newspaper.

Pay Attention to 1 hour 5 minute mark of Video.

Please Check out this Videos. This is an interesting Series of Videos. Watch These Important Videos brought to us by an Anonymous Reader Of My Online Newspaper.

Yonkers Insider

Yonkers Insider: Federal Government Refuses to Do Their Job, Lack Foresight to Obtain Necessary Warrant .

Federal Government Refuses to Do Their Job, Lack Foresight to Obtain Necessary Warrant.

(White Plains, NY) – Last week, the United States Office of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) issued a factually inaccurate press release which attempted to cast blame on Westchester County and the County’s Department of Correction for the release of a Brazilian national who is currently pending charges.

In response to another politically charged, incendiary press release issued by ICE, Westchester County presented the facts regarding this case stemming from an incident in December of 2019. 

Westchester County government operated legally, within its responsibilities under New York State Law and it was the Federal Government that failed to properly follow the law and obtain a federal judicial warrant. The Port Chester Village Court remanded this individual for incarceration at the County Jail until tried in Port Chester. The County then held that individual as required by State Law.

ICE compounded their behavior by asserting that Westchester County released the individual into the “public”, when in fact the County’s Department of Correction returned the individual, under police guard, to the local Court which remanded him to us for their action.

County Executive George Latimer said: “ICE is well aware that the County will turn over any individual to their custody if they deliver a Federal Judicial Warrant that supersedes a State or Local Court. ICE failed to do their job, failing to request over a month’s time, a warrant from the Federal Court, which is located two blocks away from the County Office Building. In so doing, they place their authority as a non-judicial Administrative entity above those sworn to judicial authority.”

Latimer concluded: “This ideology-centered enforcement of ICE, whereby they feel empaneled to override local Courts and laws should be concerning to all citizens. Once society allows unelected, appointed agents to feel they can override due process for some, it is a short walk to override due process for others. Tyranny starts in small ways before it becomes oppressive in its control; a fake news press release cannot cover the continual actions of an agency that refuses to follow the laws of New York in administering their brand of politicized policing.”

Yonkers Insider: Westchester County Board Of Legislators Chair, Ben Boykin: Traffic Advisory-WORK CANCELLATION-Road Closure - Bronx River Parkway Northbound -City of Yonkers.


ROADWAY: Bronx River Parkway northbound.

LIMITS: At the Sprain Brook Parkway split

WHAT: Roadway resurfacing project.

IMPACTS: The Bronx River Parkway northbound at the Sprain Brook Parkway 
will NOT be closed tomorrow, Wednesday, July 1, 2020

WHEN: Northbound BRP full closure cancelled Wednesday, July 1, 2020.

WHO: Westchester County Department of Public Works & Transportation Contract # 19-506.

For additional information please contact the Westchester County Department of 
Public Works and Transportation at (914) 995-2555.



Yonkers Municipal Housing Authority Attorney Sworn in as Newest Trustee.

Yonkers Mayor Mike Spano with new Yonkers Board of Education Trustee Lakisha Collins-Bellamy

(Photo Credit: Joe Panella/City of Yonkers)

YONKERS, NY – June 30, 2020 – Mayor Mike Spano today swore in Lakisha Collins-Bellamy as his newest appointment to the Yonkers Board of Education. As trustee of the Yonkers Board of Education, Collins-Bellamy will join eight other members of the Board, which is the official policy making body of the School District. The new trustee appointment comes as Dr. Edward Fergus’ term expires. Collins-Bellamy’ term is effective immediately.
“As we work toward providing our students with the best education possible, I am proud to appoint Lakisha Collins-Bellamy to the Board of Education as she brings unique perspective as a parent and an alumna. Lakisha is passionate about education in Yonkers and her experiences and knowledge will be valuable assets to our District and our students,” said Mayor Spano.

A lifelong resident of Yonkers, Lakisha Collins-Bellamy currently serves as legal counsel for the Municipal Housing Authority of Yonkers (MHACY) and operates her own law practice, focusing in family law and real estate. In her work with MHACY, Collins-Bellamy administers procurement and contract management processes. During her tenure, Collins-Bellamy also served as the Director of Housing Programs and was the Compliance Director and Contracts Officer. Collins-Bellamy is a graduate of Yonkers’ Roosevelt High School and is a parent to a Yonkers Public Schools student. Collins-Bellamy holds a Bachelor’s degree in Political Science from State University of New York at New Paltz, a Master’s degree in Public Administration from Marist College and Juris Doctor from New York Law School.

Lakisha Collins-Bellamy commented, "I am honored to join the other members of the Board of Education in their commitment to promote opportunity and equal access to all Yonkers students in their pursuit of academic excellence. I am most appreciative to Mayor Spano for his faith in me as we collectively strive for the very best for our Yonkers children.”

“The Trustees and I welcome Mrs. Collins-Bellamy.  As a parent and former student, her personal experiences will be welcomed in her new role as a Trustee.  On behalf of the Trustees, I would like to thank Dr. Edward Fergus for his contributions to the Board during his term,” said Reverend Steve Lopez, Yonkers Board of Education President.

Dr. Edwin M. Quezada, Superintendent of Schools added, “As we continue moving our students and district on a positive trajectory there is significant collaborative work before the Trustees and the District employees.  I look forward to the contributions Mrs. Collins-Bellamy will provide.  Mrs. Collins-Bellamy knowledge, skills and experiences will support and further inform the progressive work the Board has been doing.  Thank you Dr. Fergus for always offering valuable perspectives and support.”

Collins-Bellamy will serve a new five year term that runs through June 2025.

Yonkers Insider: Westchester County Legislator MaryJane Shimsky: Upcoming Virtual Events.

Upcoming Virtual Events.

Use YouTube to Grow Your Business.

In this workshop from Google, you'll learn how you can utilize YouTube to grow your business. You'll learn best practices for creating a YouTube channel, and compelling video content, as well as how to use YouTube Ads to reach more customers.
Date: June 30, 2020
Time: 12:00 PM
Register Here

Main Street Lending Program: Is it Right for You?

PKF O'Connor Davies presents a free webinar discussing the $600 billion Main Street Lending program that offers loan to small and mid-sized businesses with fewer than 15,000 employees. Their specialists will review the program's opportunities and details.
Date: June 30, 2020
Time: 2:00 PM
Register Here

Gestión de Social Media en Tiempos del Covid-19.

En este Webinar de WEDC aprenderá sobre estrategias de social media, optimización de canales de publicación y conocerás cómo definir el modelo de gestión de nuestras redes sociales y publicidad en redes sociales. Lo cual incluye como generar estrategias digitales para tener más presencia y mayor alcance.
Date: June 30, 2020
Time: 2:00 PM
Register Here

Mind Your Marketing: 10 Communication Essentials.

In this webinar presented by Professional Women of Westchester, Stacey Cohen, of Co-Communications, will discuss shifts in consumer behavior, the competitive advantage of adapting to change, and ten best practices for communications that you can use now and forever. This workshop will help you pivot your marketing strategy in these changing times. Please note that this workshop costs $10.00.
Date: June 30, 2020
Time: 6:30pm
Register Here

How to Protect & Grow the Value of Your Business During a Pandemic.

In this SCORE webinar, Ashley Micciche, CEO of True North Retirement Advisors, will help business owners understand the value of their business today, as well how to find and take advantage of the opportunities that exist for business owners to protect and grow their business during these times.
Date: July 2, 2020
Time: 11:00 AM
Register Here

Hudson Valley Pattern for Progress.

Join Hudson Valley Pattern for Progress and the Federal Reserve Bank of New York's Daleep Singh, Executive Vice President and head of the Markets Group for a look at our economy in the aftermath of the COVID-19 global pandemic. Mr. Singh will focus on the Fed's efforts to address the economic impacts of COVID-19, covering the distributional impact of the shock and the Fed's response, with particular attention to how the Fed's new lending programs are designed to support vulnerable communities.
Date: July 8, 2020
Time: 10:00 AM
Register Here

To see our list of upcoming events and recordings of prior events, go to

News on the Ravensdale Bridge project and the South County Trailway,
from the Hastings-on-Hudson Chief of Police: 

The South County Trailway will need to be temporarily closed again on Tuesday 6/30/20 to complete the pile driving.
Chief David A. Dosin
Hastings-on-Hudson Police Department
7 Maple Ave

Hastings on Hudson, N.Y. 10706
Dear Residents,
The South County Trailway will need to be temporarily closed again on Tuesday 6/30/20 to complete the pile driving. It is anticipated the closure will only be for a few hours in the morning and the goal is to have the trailway reopened by noon.
Thank you for your continued patience.
Chief David A Dosin

Monday, June 29, 2020

Wish to be Interviewed on Yonkers Insider Report by Publisher Delfim Heusler. Here is how to contact me to setup Interview.

If any Elected Official, Political Candidate or Community Leader and Activist wish to do interview with Yonkers Insider Report on Facebook Live. Just send an Email to me at:
Yonkers Insider Newspaper, Publisher Delfim Heusler

Yonkers Insider: Rockland County Democratic Committee Endorses Bob Ondrovic for New York State Supreme Court.

We are proud and honored to announce that Bob has been endorsed by the Rockland County Democratic Committee Chairwoman Kristen Zebrowski Stavisky to become Justice of the NYS Supreme Court in the 9th Judicial District! 

Yonkers Insider: Rockland County Democratic Committee Endorses Alexandra Murphy for New York State Supreme Court.

We are thrilled and proud to announce Rockland County Democratic Committee Chairwoman, Kristen Zebrowski Stavisky, has endorsed our candidacy for NYS Supreme Court Justice in the 9th JD. Thank you, Madam Chairwoman! 



Committee of the Whole Meeting Planned for July.

White Plains, NY — The Westchester County Board of Legislators will convene a Committee of the Whole (COW) meeting in July to hear from the Commissioners of the County's Board of Elections about how to improve voting conditions in November in light of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Board Chairman Ben Boykin (D- White Plains, Scarsdale, Harrison), said, "The Board of Legislators has no authority over how the Board of Elections conducts elections. The BOE is an independent body that reports to the State Board of Elections. But it is imperative that voters in Westchester have confidence in the way elections are held in our County, and as representatives of the people of Westchester, we must do what we can to ensure that.

"The June 23 primaries were conducted under a perfect storm of difficult conditions because of the COVID-19 pandemic. The unprecedented process for and volume of absentee voting, the difficulty in recruiting and training poll workers in the face of the pandemic, and the challenges of locating a sufficient number of suitable voting places presented challenging circumstances.

"Unfortunately, as a result, confusion about absentee voting was widespread and Election Day lines were unacceptably long. It is imperative that we examine what happened and understand quickly what steps need to be taken to make sure that things will be better in November."

The Board of Legislators is planning a COW for the week of July 20 (specific date to be determined) with County Board of Elections Commissioners and staff.  In future meetings, the BOL is also planning to speak with voters, advocates, State Board of Elections representatives and others to help ensure that clear and pro-active steps are taken before November.

In particular, Legislators are interested in hearing about improvements in the following areas:

·         Early voting
·         Communications
·         Poll worker recruitment and training
·         Poll sites
·         PPE and safety supplies
·         Physical and absentee voting logistics

Majority Leader MaryJane Shimsky (D - Ardsley, Dobbs Ferry, Edgemont, Hartsdale, Hastings-on-Hudson, Irvington), said, “Our voting system had to deal with numerous shocks during the June primary, the result of the coronavirus pandemic and the largest primary voting turnout in decades. Westchester County’s election system cannot be caught by surprise again.  We need to make sure we are ready for what will likely be record-setting turnout for the general election in November. We look forward to working together with the Board of Elections, advocates, State officials and others to make sure our County is prepared for November.” 

The Board of Legislators would like to hear first-hand experiences from those who voted this June as well.  We are asking voters to share their experiences, as specifically as possible, by email at

Yonkers Insider: Statement by State Chairman Gerard Kassar on Today's Supreme Court Ruling.

Statement by State Chairman Gerard Kassar on 
Today's Supreme Court Ruling:
Another Disappointment for Pro-Life Americans.
Brooklyn, NY - The Pro-Life Americans have been dealt another blow due to Chief Justice Roberts siding with those who chose not to protect the life of an unborn child when it struck down the Louisiana Law that sought to require doctors who provide abortions to have admitting privileges at a hospital within 30 miles of their clinic. Challengers to the proposed law argued that it would limit the state to just one abortion provider at a single clinic.

Justice Roberts wrote in his concurring majority opinion that, "The Louisiana law imposes a burden on access to abortion just as severe as that imposed by the Texas law, for the same reasons. Therefore, Louisiana's law cannot stand under our precedents."

Justice Roberts failed to acknowledge that some precedents of the United States Supreme Court were wrong.

We agree with Justice Clarence Thomas who wrote in his dissent that, "Today a majority of the Court perpetuates its ill-founded abortion jurisprudence by enjoining a perfectly legitimate state law and doing so without jurisdiction."

The Conservative Party of New York State will continue to advocate that life begins at conception and needs to be protected every moment of development until this precious life is safely delivered.

Yonkers Insider: Westchester County Board of Legislators Chairman - Ben Boykin:


ROADWAY: Bronx River Parkway northbound.
LIMITS: At the Sprain Brook Parkway split
WHAT: Roadway resurfacing project.
IMPACTS: The Bronx River Parkway northbound at the Sprain Brook Parkway will NOT be closed today, Monday, June 29 and tomorrow, Tuesday, June 30, 2020.This work has been postponed to Wednesday, July 1, and Thursday, July 2, 2020 between the hours of 9:00 am and 5:00 pm.
WHEN: Northbound BRP full closure Wednesday, July 1, and Thursday, July 2, 2020.
WHO: Westchester County Department of Public Works & Transportation Contract # 19-506.

ROADWAY: Northbound and Southbound Bronx River Parkway.
LIMITS: Bronx River Parkway between the Westchester County Center and the Sprain Brook Parkway.
WHAT: Bike & Skate Sunday’s extended schedule.
IMPACTS: All lanes of the Bronx River Parkway will closed to traffic within the above limits. Motorists are advised to use alternate routes such as the Sprain Brook Parkway, Route 100, and Route 22 to avoid delays during this event.
WHEN: Sunday's July, 12, 19, and 26; August, 2, 9, 16, 23, and 30; September 13, 20, and 27, 2020 between the hours 10:00 AM and 2:00 PM. (Weather Permitting)
WHO: Westchester County Department of Parks, Recreation & Conservation.
For additional information please contact Westchester County Parks at
(914) 864-PARK or the Westchester County Center at (914) 995-4050.

Yonkers Insider: New York League of Conservation Voters: Environmental News for June 29th.

Green Tips: Beginner’s Guide to Going Green This Summer: Summer is a great time to set new goals. If you’re looking to make more sustainable lifestyle choices this year, look no further!

The MTA Needs at Least $3.9 Billion in COVID-19 Relief: The Metropolitan Transportation Authority is seeking a second federal support package after three months of coronavirus-related closures have devastated the agency’s finances. NYLCV signed a letter of support for this request with its partners.

New Legislation Aims to Support Clean Water in New York: The Environmental Bond Act would allocate $200 million for wastewater infrastructure projects and $100 million for municipal stormwater projects in New York.

News Roundup:

Since election results are still preliminary and unofficial given the unprecedented number of absentee ballots this year, we will provide more information on the primaries once the absentee ballots have been counted. The biggest story of the night was that Council Member Ritchie Torres appears to have won his primary for Congressional District 15. Grist mentioned NYLCV in an article about Congressional primary candidates and the environmental movement. (Grist)

New York must achieve 100% clean power by 2040. We launched a campaign to highlight how offshore wind can help us cut pollution and generate thousands of green jobs as we restart the economy. Sign the petition to show that you support renewable energy.

The New York City Council passed NYLCV priority  legislation to legalize e-bikes and e-scooters, as authorized by a law passed by the State Legislature earlier this year, and create a pilot program for shared e-scooters. As an alternative to cars, micromobility can decrease traffic congestion and slash emissions, while allowing for social distancing. (New York Daily News)
Along with our partners, we applauded the Council’s vote. Read our full press release.

The New York Public Service Commission approved the creation of 300 battery systems for rooftop solar projects by Orange & Rockland Utilities and Sunrun.  (Solar Power World Online)

New York is issuing nation-leading regulations for energy efficiency and electricity and gas savings. (Green Biz)

Oswego County broke ground on a new $2.5 million wastewater project that will reduce the number of septic systems and help improve water quality. (Watertown Daily Times)

House Democratic leadership announced they will take up a landmark Senate-passed conservation bill by the end of July. The legislation would dedicate $900 million a year in revenue garnered from oil and gas activity on federal lands to the Land and Water Conservation Fund which supports conservation efforts like preserving land for trails and parks. It also sets aside $6.5 billion to address a maintenance backlog at national parks. The Great American Outdoors Act passed the Senate in a 73-25 vote, but it’s facing a more complicated track in the House due to opposition from some Republicans. (The Hill

The New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) announced grants of more than $10.6 million for underserved New Yorkers to access affordable solar energy as part of the State's Social Energy Equity Framework. The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) also unveiled its appointments to the Climate Justice Working Group that was announced when the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act passed last year. (Grist)


New York League of Conservation Voters

Yonkers Insider: Political Advertisement: Ken Jenkins for Westchester County Executive.

Yonkers Insider: Political Advertisement: Ken Jenkins for Westchester County Executive.  Special Election: Tuesday, February 11th.  Early Vo...