New Yonkers City Clerk's Office Ad.

New Yonkers City Clerk's Office Ad.
Yonkers City Clerk's Office - Yonkers City Clerk Vincent Spano.

Business AD: Henry Djonbalaj Real Estate LLC: Henry Djonbalaj: Licensed Real Estate Broker.

Business AD: Henry Djonbalaj Real Estate LLC: Henry Djonbalaj: Licensed Real Estate Broker.
Henry Djonbalaj Real Estate LLC.

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Elections 2020: Sammy Ravelo, Democrat for US Congress, 16th District.

Elections 2020: Sammy Ravelo, Democrat for US Congress, 16th District.

Source: Sammy Ravelo, Democrat for US Congress, 16th District.


Yonkers Insider Newspaper - Publisher Delfim Heusler Interview with Sammy Ravelo, Democrat running for US Congress, 16th District.

Yonkers Insider Newspaper - Publisher Delfim Heusler interviews Sammy Ravelo, Democrat Running for US Congress in the 16th District.

I conducted this Interview on my Camera on my Phone. But due to Technical Issues and Technical Difficulties, I couldn't post Video. I apologize for not being able to post Video. Therefore I Decided to Write Article on Interview with Sammy Ravelo.

We discussed in interview with Sammy Ravelo about the CoronaVirus and how it is real and  how best to stay safe and healthy and not to catch the CoronaVirus.

To read rest of Interview Article:

He is in a Democratic Party Primary on June 23rd with US Congressman Eliot Engel, Jamaal Bowman and 2 other Democrats.

Yonkers Insider Newspaper Publisher Delfim Heusler.

Friday, April 17, 2020

Latest Recipient of Yonkers Insider Newspaper - Heavy Hitters Award to Yonkers City Council - Minority Leader Republican Mike Breen of the 5th District.

I am proud to hand out to my Latest Recipient of my Heavy Hitters Award from my Newspaper - Yonkers Insider Newspaper to Yonkers City Council - Minority Leader - Republican Mike Breen of the 5th District.

Minority Leader Breen has been very active in the Yonkers Community for many years. Minority Leader Breen was a Community Leader before he was Elected to the Yonkers City Council.

Minority Leader Breen has fought for Lower Taxes for our Yonkers Taxpayers. He also fought very  hard to make our Yonkers City Government More Open and Transparent for Our Yonkers Residents.

Latest Recipient of Yonkers Insider Newspaper - Heavy Hitters Award to Yonkers City Council - Minority Leader - Republican Mike Breen of the 5th District.

Yonkers Insider Newspaper Publisher Delfim Heusler.

Latest Recipient of Yonkers Insider Newspaper - Heavy Hitters Award - Yonkers Mayor Mike Spano.

I am very proud to name my Latest Recipient of Yonkers Insider Newspaper - Heavy Hitters Award to Yonkers Mayor Mike Spano.

Mayor Spano enters his 3rd term as Yonkers Mayor. He has energized our City on issues such as Quality of Life, Education, Economic Development, Crime and also changing the image of our City as well in my view.

Latest Recipient of Yonkers Insider Newspaper - Heavy Hitters Award - Yonkers Mayor Mike Spano.

Yonkers Insider Newspaper Publisher Delfim Heusler

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Latest Recipient of Yonkers Insider Newspaper - Heavy Hitters Award - Jen Oelkers.

I am proud and honored to name Jen Oelkers as Yonkers Insider Newspaper latest Recipient of Heavy Hitters Award.

She has been very active for many years in the Yonkers Community. She is an inspiration in being a great leader in our City and in our County.

She is a Political Powerhouse in being a Campaign Manager for many Judge Candidates in our City and in our County throughout the years. It is said to get elected Judge in this City and County that you need Jen Oelkers to be your Campaign Manager.

She is the daughter of former Judge J. Emmett Murphy.

Yonkers Insider Newspaper Publisher Delfim Heusler.

The Michael Nolan Scholarship Fund Event.

The Michael Nolan Scholarship Fund Event.

From Pet Luxury owned by Virginia Perez.

From Pet Luxury owned by Virginia Perez.

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Latest Recipient of Yonkers Insider Newspaper - Portrait of Achievement - Yonkers City Court Judge Brendan McGrath.

We are proud and honored to name Yonkers City Court Judge Brendan McGrath as our latest Recipient of Yonkers Insider Newspaper - Portrait of Achievement.

Judge McGrath has had many years of experience in Government in many different levels. He worked in New York State Assemblyman Ron Tocci's Office, City of Yonkers Corporation Counsel Office, Westchester County - County Attorneys Office and Yonkers Inspector General.

Judge McGrath has been involved in the Yonkers Community for many years.

Judge McGrath was recently appointed to the Yonkers City Court Bench by Yonkers Mayor Mike Spano.

Judge McGrath runs for re-election in 2020 Elections.

Yonkers Insider Newspaper Publisher Delfim Heusler.

Verris Shako, Democrat for Yonkers City Court Judge.

News from City of Yonkers.

News from City of Yonkers.

Statement from Hispanic Democrats of Westchester.

Statement from Hispanic Democrats of Westchester.

Yonkers Insider Newspaper - Monthly Stats for Traffic in March.

Yonkers Insider Newspaper - Monthly Stats for Traffic in March.

Yonkers Free Press from Brian Harrod.

Yonkers Free Press from Brian Harrod.

City of Yonkers: Public Hearing Notice - Fernbrook Street 3.25.2025 at 6:30 p.m.

City of Yonkers: Public Hearing Notice - Fernbrook Street 3.25.2025 at 6:30 p.m. Yonkers City Clerk's Office.